Introducing a new cryptocurrency exchange: WCX, and receive free tokens that will give you a share of revenue

This will be the first of a two part series I will be doing introducing you to two new exchanges that will allow you to receive a cut of their profits through their own tokens. The first of these exchanges that I will be covering today is WCX, that is scheduled to launch on October 10.

What's special about WCX?


With the recent crypto bull market, there has been a significant increase in the amount of volume among some of the more popular crypto exchanges such as Poloniex and Bittrex. No matter what direction the market is heading, as long as there's volume, these exchanges make a profit. But what if there's a way to receive a share of these profits? This is exactly what WCX is aiming to do.

WCX will be offering WCX tokens that will automatically be distributing 20% of revenue received from trading fees. Amounts will be distributed according to how much WCX a particular individual holds. This weekly distribution will come in the form of the suite of coins that are traded on WCX. How cool is that!

How to receive 50 free tokens

For a limited time, you can receive 50 free WCX tokens if you sign up here. You can find out more details on their website. The WCX ICO will be held on September 9, but details haven't yet been announced.

Follow me @nextgen622 for the second part of this series.

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