The wrong forecast of analysts and the new societies growing around us

What is going to happen in the crypto-world in the next months? No one can tell you.

During 2017, the best analysts around the world lost their faces trying to forecast the development of crypto prices. Here is some examples:

Jan 2017. Investopedia

March 2017, Nicola Duke of Forex Analytix 

Ok, it's far too easy to put on shame financial analysts about the prices of cryptos: they just use old tools to examine a new and fastly evolving environment. It is like trying to evaluate a novel by Mark Danielewski using the standards of Cicero's rethoric.

The technical analysis are the funniest ones. Like this, from Steemit, the half of Dec 2017:

SBD to 28$ for Christmas 2017? ^^

It's a war, not a luncheon!

Of course, there are analysis published just to influence the market, and not to foresee its fluctuaction (just as there are articles posted just to discredit/support some assets or weaken/strenghten them: where money is, there is war and no rules)

The real projects behind the tokens

But when I think about the cryptocurrencies world in 2018, I'm not thinking just about prices, new ICOs or BTC dominance. I look at the so many projects behind the tokens.

Just a few examples:

Einstenium is a project to support scientific research and education "The Einsteinium Foundation’s mission is to raise funds for scientific research. Our mining tax creates a pool of funds that provide grants to deserving applicants.

Tron "aims to construct a worldwide free content entertainment system". 

Powerledger is a project about the distribution of electric power to create "a power system that is resilient, low-cost, zero-carbon and owned by the people of the world".  

Ethos says they are here to put the power back in the hands of the people (Nice try, in my opinion ;) ) 

Substratum is about sharing computing resources, so to  "allows anyone to allocate spare computing resources". 

Iota is focused on the "Internet of Things" and the way to make it grow for companies and people 

Monaco created a debit card to use cryptos for day-to-day expenses. 

Poet aims to protect authors from plagiarism. It is "a shared, universal ledger designed to track ownership and attribution for the world's digital creative assets". 

Ink is about creating an "Intellectual Property Assets Exchange" for creative people. 

Golem wants to create "a global, open sourced, decentralized supercomputer that anyone can access, (...) made up of the combined power of user's machines, from personal laptops to entire datacenters.

And so on.

As you can see, many of these projects have common goals (and very utopistic ones, IMO), so that probably some projects will prevail and others will disappear. BUT this growing environment of tools and possibilities is going to change our societies and the way we live.

There is a whole world of projects going on and starting right now. This is what we will see in 2018, IMHO - and also the mass acceptance of the cryptocurrencies, from people and from institution. But this is not going to happen without leaving deads and woundeds behind.

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