News 1 month after my first bitcoin purchase (May 2017)!!

Hi all,  

Let’s introduce myself… I am Ron and decided one month ago May 2017  to start playing with some crypto coins. For 3 years I felt stupid because I didn’t hear about Bitcoin way sooner. (sound familiar?) But last month I said : he , why crying, act and give it a shot. So I convinced my GF to give it a try with $500. Yeah it was a long discussion because she thinks about crypto as 99% of all people. But anyhow it was money we really could miss and I gave myself a month.  

Expectation: I live in the Netherlands and when you have money at the bank you will receive 0,3% (not a joke) interest a year!!!. So I agreed with myself that I want to make 10% in a month. Than it is a go and would continue after the first month..  

Quick way forward:

 30 days later.. I learned so much in just 30 days. Made some stupid mistakes but did I reach my goal?  

So if you’re interested please keep on reading, and maybe you recognize things or this will also help you to stop thinking but start acting.   

First 2 days.. 

Wallets, buying , deposit, exchange, HODL, FIAT, ATH and many, many more terms.. The first week you get crazy, you see so many new words and you want to understand all but that’s impossible. I started reading and decided that I would like to trade on a daily basis. But when you have a full time job that will not be possible.. by clicking around on the internet I found the term “automatic trading” with software. So after spending another night reading it was clear for me… However I am very skeptical I decided to also give the bot software a shot. It cost $89 for 1 exchange and lifetime updates.  So $500 - $89 would be my starting point… ( I will not mention the bot software because I don’t want to make any commercial blog) 

So then It started.. Buying the software was only possible in BTC so I need to first buy BTC.. Oh my god.. the next challenge.. READ AGAIN… AND AGAIN.. WALLET. Because it was “only” $500 I didn’t install a wallet on my PC ( another story about how I made my choice) My decision was to have the BTC on the exchange directly because my goal was to start trading… I decided that Bittrex was my best match. Creating an account on Bittrex. I must admit this was easy and worked perfectly. 

Now that I had a Bittrex account I needed to buy some BTC. So I found a Dutch website where I can buy easily BTC with my bank account. But then I saw that I would only get 0.33 BTC for my $ I stopped and started to look to BTC.. Ohh my god it was almost ATH ( All time High). What if I bought and the next day it would go down BIG TIME. Then I really needed to make an Houdini act to make 10% profit and to satisfy my GF who accepted this try-out. 

So this also stopped me again for really acting.. I say stop crying again to myself and just buy the stupid BTC. 2 hours later I bought the BTC and the money was gone from my bank account.. 

Ohhh but I don’t see the BTC on Bittrex…. Keep breathing… It was normal I read.. BTC needs some confirmations and that can take some time. At that time it was 00:00 and I had to work the day after.. I went to bed.. And I must really say I felt happy. At last after all those years I had BTC!!!    

The third day….   

Buying the bot software and start doing something with the BTC..   

So readers I hoped you liked this first part off my blog.. If you liked it let me know and I will make new posts.  There is so much more to tell and what happened. 

CU all 


P.s. I don’t think I need to tell you why I use steemit, it's just one of the many things I encountered during my first month  

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