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Dont Miss this ICO and make 1357% profit in 29days

What is a PlexCoin?

The PlexCoin is a cryptocurrency (private internet currency) that has a value based on the current market. In other words, PlexCoin is an open source worldwide currency entirely decentralized without central authorities. This means that your transactions will not be managed or verified by any traditional banking institutions. Users can now control their own finances privately.

In comparison to Bitcoin (45 minutes), the transactions (deposit, withdrawal, purchase, sale, transfer) of PlexCoin are faster (30 seconds) to confirm and have an increased storage efficiency.

The PlexCoin’s new revolutionary operating structure is safer and much easier to use than any other current cryptocurrency.

How to invest?

In order to take advantage of the 1st sale stage low rate and save on the purchase of you PlexCoin, you will have to enter your e-mail address in the registration section. Then, you will be asked to validate your e-mail address and finally, at the launch of the pre-sale on August 7th, you will be able to buy your PlexCoin with a discount and in priority to enjoy a return of 1354% on your purchase!

You will receive by e-mail the exact and detailed method of the purchase process which will be very simple, before the launch of the pre-sale.

Please use this link to Join


What is the anticipated return on investment (ROI)?

This depends on the sell stage you will be at when you purchase your PlexCoin, here is an example:

Sales stage 1: Return on investment after 29 days or less: 1,354%

Sales stage 2: Return on investment after 29 days or less: 629%

Sales stage 3: Return on investment after 29 days or less: 332%

Sales stage 4: Return on investment after 29 days or less: 200%

What are the advantages of using the referral link?

Each member has a unique reference link displayed in their client access. If you share this link to your contacts or even to your friends on Facebook, anyone who clicks on your link will be redirected directly to the PlexCoin website and will automatically get a 5% bonus on all purchases they make.

The most wonderful thing is that you will also receive the 5% bonus on purchases that your contacts will make.

EX: If you share your link on Facebook and one of your friends clicks to go to the website and then decides to buy for $1,000 from PlexCoin at sales stage 1 (for $0.13 each PlexCoin). This same friend will receive a total of 7,692.31 PlexCoin (PLX). The system will then add the 5% (384.62) PlexCoin bonus to your friend's account and yours. Your account will have a potential value of $676.92, not so bad for simply sharing a link is it not?

Imagine if 10 or 100 of your friends buy their PlexCoin with your link now.

Please use this link to Join

Thank you

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