[Investment] - Cryptos! What Is Next?


The Now

Cryptocurrencies if you are 'IN', are generating great returns and some huge profits and that is not going to slow down any time soon whilst we enjoy the aggressive up slide of a major 'S' curve of the new world wide monetary system.

An unprecedented opportunity to obtain some serious wealth if you act now because every month that passes will be a missed opportunity.

The largest transfer in wealth has started and the next 18 months are going to be big in my opinion with a 7 month explosion starting very soon if not already.

Cryptocurrencies and precious metals will do very well in the next 2 years.

The window will close soon for the majority of opportunities as the big money is already flooding the market now with billions and trillions more to come very soon in the coming months.

It will be fast, efficient and in calculated waves.

Decentralised and centralised coins are doing very well and there is no doubt if you invest wisely and diligently with a 'stack and hold' ideology you will do extremely well over the next 2 - 5 years.

It is inevitable in my eyes.

It can't really be stopped as it is meant to be.

Sure there will be some ups and downs and some pumps and dumps, however the long term game will win until we get to the true market levels and market caps for each and every genuine and serious coin.

How long will that take?

How long can we ride the wave?

Not as long as it has taken Bitcoin that is for sure as the confidence in this currency, this system, continues to rise at an exponential rate.

After 2 - 5 years we will see many coins starting to plateau, reach true market value, reach development deadlines and tend to slow down and stablise as the 'early adoption' stage moves into a 'majority stage' as the mainstream media and the rest of the world wake up to the opportunity (all too late) and face the reality that the monetary system is changing or has already changed.

This majority swing will most likely start to occur in 2019-2020 and we could see Bitcoin reach $19000US each which will be a 10X return if you invest today.

You will earn even more if you invest in the right alt-coins (see my list below)

In 2 to 3 years, I will be starting to look at how the market is influenced by this big money, infrastructure, marketing, operating procedures and how the coins start to be influenced by actual genuine development and overall social perception.

What the coins can deliver via services, technology, convenience, functionality and speed will determine their long term success and success after the year 2020.

Who can appeal to the mainstream public the most and the specific niche markets they intend to attract will do well.

That race is on now.

What Is Next?

Here is something for everyone to consider from an investment point of view.

The bankers coins are NOT going to go away and just allow decentralised platforms take over their monetary empire.

No chance in hell.

No matter how much you want a decentralised system and stick to your morals and values, these coins are no doubt due to the size of market cap they will attract, the marketing budgets they will have, and the invested parties that no doubt will back and develop these coins. will do very well.

In fact they will most likely become market leaders.

They have corporate power, they have Wall Street, they have governmental influence and they have the connections.

They have the media too.

I am 100% supporting decentralised platforms and systems however I will also be 100% investing in the bankers coins to ride their huge wave to the top.

I would be a fool not to as the opportunity is too great.

A choice I will be making.

Ethereum will dominate in the next 2 to 3 years and be the next major coin to chase down Bitcoin followed by the other coins supported by the Ripple platform such as Ethereum Classic, Augur, Ripple itself and others.

Other coins will also benefot from teh surge and confidence in the entire sector, like Litecoin, Dash, and PIVX.

It is a harsh reality however one that I will accept and ensure I am riding to benefit as best I can as I have goals and dreams too just like everyone else.

That I feel is a reasonable strategy and I can make other decisions when I need to and when the time is right.

Below are my current interests and there are holes I know and I am missing many opportunities however I am doing my best to read up on each coin, one by one, so feel free to add to my list here in the comments below as I would be interested in your thoughts.

Enlighten me with some other opportunities and why you fee l they are worth the look.

The Future

Some coins will come and some will go.

Technology will also improve and the coins that can keep up with the demand will survive and those that are too slow and do not focus on functionality and infrastructure will suffer.

I am personally only looking 2 to 5 years ahead and will adapt when required.

The only thing I can control is my invested interests.

Here is what I am doing and this has stretched my capacity and my strategy is to stack and hold.


Here are my centralised choices:

  1. Ripple (bankers coin with over 100 billion pre-mined coins)
  2. Ethereum (centralised by corporate interests, influence and infrastructure)
  3. Ethereum Classic (centralised by corporate interests, influence and infrastructure)
  4. Augur (bankers futures coin)

Here are my decentralised choices:

  1. BitShares (my favourite decentralised platform)
  2. Dash
  3. Litecoin
  4. PIVX
  5. Steem
  6. Golos
  7. Monero
Others: (I am not invested at this stage as I don't know enough)
  1. Bitcoin Plus
  2. Z-Cash


Here are my speculators based on development and niche markets and are purely based on what I am interested in:

  1. Digibyte (Data & Gaming)
  2. Dope (Medicinal Marijuana Industry)
  3. PeerPlays (Online Betting)
  4. SingularDTV (Entertainment & Film)
  5. Ark (Payment Systems)

There are numerous others to choose from and I know everyone has different perspectives however this is where I am applying my energy for now unless someone has a super hot tip and niche market I should consider.

Please share your perspectives below.

Also keep you eye out for Dan Larimers, creator of Steem and BitShares, new project along the lines of BitContracts which will no doubt be a winner. Official name to be announced approx. May 2017.

Whatever you do make sure to do your reserach and always invest diligently and wisely within your limits and be patient.

This is a 2 to 5 year game with an ongoing return for many years to come.



SOURCES: All words in my post are my own including rights to all images and music where relevant. Videos are also linked to their relative sources.



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