VIVA: New digital currency with breakthrough health care benefits added

This is exciting!

There is a breakthrough new coin that has the promise to offer major benefits not associated with other cryptocurrencies.

VIVA is launching their VIVA Crown and VIVA coin available at . The system around VIVA is built on using the digital coin in the real world with smooth and reduced-friction exchange between VIVA and fiat currencies. The idea is to position this coin as an imminently usable and workable means of not just using digital currencies, but living in the real world. Bitcoin is the most popular, and a legend in digital currency. VIVA now shows a new generation of possibilities. It is about living life in the real world, not just a cyrptocurrency.

In addition to ease of use and practicality, VIVA has a much-needed health component built into it. As I interviewed Dr. Padilla in the interview, he shared how they have built medical records into the system for those who choose that option. The user will be allowed to voluntarily give medical records to health care professionals if that person chooses to do this. That way one can have control over their medical records and not worry about some parts in one hospital, other parts in another doctor's office, and yet more in other places. The power is restored to the individual to have all records in one place, their VIVA coin, and it is available to selectively make these records available to medical professionals under complete control of the individual. Watch the video for Dr. Padilla's explanation of it and benefits from a doctor-patient point of view.

This is indeed a breakthrough for digital currencies and for other options, like medical record organization. If you are interested in what is happening in the digital currencies space, this is a video you will be glad you saw. Please leave your comments below. Even more important, please share this with others as we want to spread the word about a very usable and functional cryptocurrency for real-world applications.

Thank you for your comments and sharing.

All the best,


Terry Brock, MBA, CSP, CPAE
Member, Professional Speaker Hall of Fame
Certified Speaking Professional
+1-407-363-0505 (Orlando, Florida, USA)

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