POLONIEX is basically BROKEN these days. How long until people stop using it?


If this were a new thing I might cut them some slack but this has been going on during every peak of traffic that I have seen for the last 3 years + that I have been using them.

I'm not expecting everything to go smoothly - life isn't smooth but it seems everytime I use Polo now there is a problem. Take the latest example:

I was about to make a nice tidy x 2.5 on DGB when it went above 400 but I couldn't because:

Screenshot 2017-05-17 15.03.45.png

Screenshot 2017-05-17 15.04.28.png

When I was able to use it again the price had dropped.

At what point do those lost sales, transactions and worst of all margin calls make people say enough is enough?

Poloniex have been spinning everyone the line that they are working on it (but they have been saying it since 2014).

You can't keep making the same excuses for over 3 years.

Given that they are the no.1 altcoin exchange it is just inexcusable - this is simply due to a lack of investment and greed in my opinion.

They have had plenty of chances and more than enough time to fix the issues but they haven't. The whole saga gives me a distinct feeling of unease.

The way to deal with bad service is with your wallet I think - i.e. take your money elsewhere.

Bittrex is a lot smaller but I have never had any significant issues with them.

Screenshot 2017-05-17 15.14.21.png

Even for the tiny issues I have had their service has always been exemplary and they have gone out of their way to help me. Believe it or not there was a time when Bittrex was the no.1 altcoin exchange ahead of Poloniex.

At those times there were no peak time issues with Bittrex but the same kind of nonsense was happening with time outs and so on with Polo (and nothing seems to have changed).

So whenever I have the chance I will be shifting my trades away from Poloniex to Bittrex and other exchanges.

I just don't trust Poloniex any more and even if I did, I can't use the exchange when I have the greatest need to use it.

An exchange exists to allow people to make trades. If they can no longer trade and they are losing money as a result of it, how long can they stay in business?

What do you think? Am I overreacting?

Thank you for reading


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