Jamie Dimon @ JP Morgan - "Bitcoin is a scam" - Meanwhile, He Patented His Own Version. Many Investment Banks are Run by Career Criminals - Why Listen to Them At All?

It is tough to find any human beings who are more obviously involved in huge scams and fraud than those who operate international investment banks. This week, JP Morgan's 'boss' Jaime Dimon (or 'demon' depending on your accent) - claimed that Bitcoin is a 'scam' that is only suited for drug gangs and criminal use... That's an interesting claim considering that numerous big banks have been caught working closely with drug gangs and many criminals... not to mention that the entire fiat money system is the biggest scam ever perpetuated!

You can read about Jamie Dimon's claims about Bitcoin here.

Anyone who has done their due diligence research into the 'traditional' 'fiat' money system knows by now that it is a debt system in which imaginary money is created from nothing and then loaned out at interest via the network of central banks and their cronies. To charge interest on something that never existed in the first place is fraud. To create a contract wherein some of the details and terms of the agreement are not revealed to all parties is also fraud and results in a nullified contract in court. This is why I was able to cancel all alleged debts that I was being hassled about by a major bank and also the UK government a few years ago. By Simply forcing them to come clean about the origins of their alleged 'money' they went silent and walked away, having previously threatened me with all kinds of abuse and even violence in the form of putting me in a cage against my will.

Given this giant scam is the prevailing system of exchange on Earth and is used by all investment banks, when one of their operators claims that an alternative currency is a 'scam', we must exercise absolute caution and shine light into the situation to understand exactly what the motivation for the claims are.

The list of actual crimes committed by and on behalf of Jamie Dimon is apparently quite long - you can find some interesting factoids on zerohedge, here.

JP Morgan owns a patent for their own version of Bitcoin

As was reported by numerous outlets in 2013, Jamie Dimon's bank owns a patent for their own version of bitcoin, touted as a 'bitcoin killer'.. Hmm.. So, I'm sure we can full rely on his assessment of Bitcoin as being a 'scam':


Will the latest attacks on Bitcoin result in total collapse of the Bitcoin price?

Well, let's look at the existing patterns.

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

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