Virtualgrowth looking for help(ers) with TeamVG in crypto, community, and more!

Looking for help with things and thanks to past and current helpers too!

With traveling lots, working on helping and learning in numerous ways I haven't been able to do everything I want to but has grown and become more varied and opened to more people and experiences which has been great!

Always looking to explore more ideas. Could use help with writers to help write more things out. With all my conference going and attending I have asked some people to assist me so that I may better catch more of such experiences to share with everyone through my resources. Many ask me about my knowledge and resources and sharing such as well. So I work to do that in some ways and would like to work on that in more ways as well.

Thank you to many that have asked what they may do to help... However I think it may be better to let me know what you may help with! Want to help you get more value if I may as well to help empower you with your talents and skills or "super powers" as some of us refer to these things. With the idea of wanting to people to best use their best abilities.

Let me know if you would like to join in conference going / attending or maybe meetups, or wanting to have a meetup or some kind of event in your area! Sometimes I can help behind the scenes as I usually seem to do most of the time. Know some wonder what I am up to or about my day to day routine. Well it is always changing.

Seems I may work on writing and posting more too! Much in part to dealing with some form of mental illness since getting Meningitis over two years ago. Dealing with Tinnitus or ringing in the ears can make sleep and these types of activities challenging or not possible in optimal conditions and sense of being. However after two years things have been getting a little better!

Also going to Puerto Rico for ReStart West which you may check out more about at [RestartWeek on Twitter}( and where I had originally gone there to attend three conferences in one week and stayed another week to help work with some crypto people more and also local people, community learning more and helping them there so that we may all best work together to help further improve things.

This may be a way to also help decentralize @virtualgrowth in an extension of myself in ideas and efforts shared with many others while connecting and leveraging many of you in our great community!

Big thank you to the @cybercodetwins who have been a great help in many ways this past half year having the great opportunity to get to know them and work together with them in many ways! And of course thousands of other people at this point in my travels online and off.

Also a brief mention and thank you to @adsactly for support and chatting once in a while having been reached out to with questions and the love of ideas of decentralization looking and seeking more ways to utilize such ideas.

Lastly, let me know if you are interested in something especially in the areas of Los Angeles, Las Vegas, San Francisco, Austin, Puerto Rico and potentially more. Although I haven't yet made it to Austin yet I plan to sometime and greatly look forward to it. More concentrated in California with all the crypto people and projects there and extending to Puerto Rico along with Las Vegas with a few people and projects I am looking work with and assist along with the few I do already. Will be traveling to California next week, Puerto Rico start of next month or so, in Vegas now, and be back in June for the WSOP, World Series of Poker.


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