What are your thoughts on introducing cryptocurrency to people?

Next week I am speaking to people about cryptocurrency and would like help in knowing how to best introduce people to cryptocurrency.

Looking for ideas to explain crypto(currency)

With a talk coming up in just three days I am looking for and open to more ideas on what and how to teach and explain crypto to new(er) people that are interested. Have been helping people over the past year and have a love for learning for myself and others. Thought I would ask the community about their thoughts on learning about cryptocurrencies.

What would you like to know that you do not yet for example? Or how may you have liked to learn some things that you found challenging to understand as you learned more. What cryptocurrencies should I mention along with STEEM and bitcoin for example as two classic choices that make sense in this community?

virtualgrowth to speak at Google Launchpad Space in San Francisco September 6th

Will be speaking at Google Launchpad in San Francisco to a much bigger crowd than my first cryptocurrency meetup and presentation that I did in Las Vega with less than a dozen people of which I knew about half of them. This time will be to some hundred or so people and probably more with more days for people to register!

Thank you to the few people have given me some ideas. And to the many more that have helped me learn and learned with me and all of us over the past ear and even more for some. The opportunities have been absolutely amazing and look forward to more opportunities such as this one going to help hundreds of people learn more about cryptocurrency and blockchain protocols!

Signing People Up

Steem has a signup link too by the way. So I wonder what will be the benefit if we are to use that now to help get more people to sign up.

Will be sure to sign people up for steemit! Also will mention bitcoin as one of the more known blockchains and wallets that people use currently. Also going to invite people to bitshares since I have a referral address it only makes sense. That and that I sometimes help represent OpenLedger at some conferences at their booth.

Wondering what other crypto blockchains it may make sense to invite people to. Have my own ideas of which I have shared a few and would like to ask what ideas other people have or might suggest to assist me on my journey of inviting more people to our crypto world(s).

Mentioning people during my talks

We have many great examples of people in our very own community that I could mention and use as examples. Have some in mind of course but would like to ask for suggestions to help me think through my ideas.

Few people have even chimed in with some ideas and offered content that may be intertwined with my presentation. This seems like a great idea to get people involved! Maybe we could share some interaction or anything that may be on the blockchain that I may use as an example to show people some "real world" cases being used by people like you and me and others in the steem(it)community! So please feel free to reach out to me and share some ideas for this time or the future. Some have even expressed interest in attending although most are too far away of course. But will be interesting if some that I know or that know me are found at this event or others in the future.

Future events with Steemit MeetUps

Also want to take the time to mention that some events like this on some level may be helped put together by myself and a few others that I work with. Have the ability to get space to hold some form of MeetUp if other people may have ideas. Mentioned this to a few people that I know and see some events forming over time in various states across the United States.

Maybe we could also do or include some form of workshops or hackathons too! Many ideas and possibilities in this ever changing , evolving, and growing crypto world of ours! Look forward to this one and many more to come!

Event Giveaways

Also thinking of giveaways of course since I like to give away STEEM to good causes and for example offer Steem, BTS, and Asset Market Update 9/2 and Giveaway for 9/8 where I give away STEEM POWER, Steem Backed Dollars, and a variety of bitshares tokens. Check them out if interested. And if you don't have a bitshares account yet, you may sign up below:

Leave your comments below!

Look forward to your comments below. Or feel free to send me (@virtualgrowth) messages on discord or steemit.chat.


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