πŸ“‘ Daily Crypto Calendar - November, 13thπŸ’°

Welcome to the Daily Crypto Calendar: I select for you some of the most important events happening in the Crypto World. Enjoy !

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Today's Upcoming Events πŸ“‘ - November, 13th

  • SunContract (SNC)

"This tour event is very important to SunContract as it will help to increase exposure. You can join us. European Blockchain HUB."
Presentation of the platform to electricity producers and potential customers. Murska Sobota, ob 17:00, Hotel Zvezda SLOVENIA.

  • Aeron (ARN)

Meet Aeron at Wings of Change, European aviation's flagship event organised by IATA, November 13-14th in Madrid.

  • Veros (VRS)

"Veros project and BiteBTC exchange will launch a significant Airdrop company on November 13, 2018."

  • General Event (CRYPTO)

"This conference will explore and discuss the emerging world of Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies and ICO’s."

Tomorrow's Upcoming Events πŸ“‘ - November, 14th

  • Bitcoin (BTC)

"Bitcoin Future Contract (XBT/X8) will be expired on November 14th, 2018"

  • Aeron (ARN)

Aeron comes to Bahrain International Airshow on November 14-16th.

  • Micromines (MICRO)

"MICROMINES will live to other exchange market."

  • General Event (CRYPTO), SingularDTV (SNGLS)

Money20/20 is the space where the industry's smartest visionaries and innovators come together to create the future of money.

  • Phore (PHR)

Phore Blockchain will be attending Decentralized, in Athens, Greece, November 14 - 16, 2018.



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