πŸ—ž Daily Crypto News, October, 17thπŸ’°

  • How Savvy Crypto Traders Gamed Coinbase's Latest Listing for a 35% Payday ;
  • Two studies claim DLT can scale for financial markets (DTCC) ;
  • Civil Fails to Raise $8M Minimum in ICO ;
  • UK-Based Industry Group Develops Blockchain Tool to Track Firms' Sustainable Commitments ;
  • Ethereum Foundation Makes A Splash With Wave 4 Grants ;
  • πŸ“‘ Daily Crypto Calendar, October, 17thπŸ’°
  • STEEM Trading Update by @cryptopassion

Welcome to the Daily Crypto News: A complete Press Review, Coin Calendar and Trading Analysis. Enjoy!

πŸ—ž How Savvy Crypto Traders Gamed Coinbase's Latest Listing for a 35% Payday

If there's money to be made in the crypto markets, you can bet traders will be the first on the scene.

Such was the case at least last week, when Coinbase Pro, the cryptocurrency trading platform operated by San Francisco startup Coinbase, announced it would list the cryptocurrency 0x (ZRX), a move that put the "Coinbase effect" on display when ZRX surged nearly 40 percent on the news.

That perhaps isn't so much of a surprise. Coinbase is the largest U.S. cryptocurrency exchange by volume, and recently valued at $8 billion because of its millions of users, a common byproduct of new listings is a double-digit price surge.

πŸ—ž Two studies claim DLT can scale for financial markets (DTCC)

  • Two studies were published overnight which claim that distributed ledger technology, a variant of blockchain, is capable of scaling to support the level of transaction throughput required in mainstream financial securities markets.
  • DTTC, the New York-based financial clearing operator which has been actively exploring DLT tech, published a report showing that DLT can support trading volumes in the US equity markets.
  • DTCC’s study was conducted by Accenture, utilising technology supplied by leading financial market DLT platform providers Digital Asset and R3, and showed that DLT could support 6,300 tx/second for 5 straight hours.

πŸ—ž Civil Fails to Raise $8M Minimum in ICO

Civil, a blockchain startup that has partnered with Forbes and The Associated Press, failed to reach the $8 million minimum target it set for its initial coin offering this week, suggesting an end to the days when promoters simply had to hint at collaborations with established companies to woo investors.

πŸ—ž UK-Based Industry Group Develops Blockchain Tool to Track Firms' Sustainable Commitments

A U.K.-based industry body for the responsible finance sector revealed plans to introduce a blockchain tool to monitor firms’ sustainable commitments, Reuters reports Wednesday, Oct. 17.

The Responsible Finance & Investment (RFI) Foundation is developing a blockchain-powered tool to track companies’ sustainable commitments and to detect those entities who do not comply with their ethical credentials.

πŸ—ž Ethereum Foundation Makes A Splash With Wave 4 Grants

Various individuals and organizations within the Ethereum community have received funds for their projects, with a large slice of the pie going to the mobile Dapp browsing provider Status.

On Monday, October 15, the Ethereum Foundation announced the recipients of its fourth wave of grants. Grantees range from Prototypal and Finality Labs to TrueBlocks and Gitcoin. Although the foundation routinely funds research and development (R&D) into scalability, security, usability, and education, the most recent wave features double the amount of scalability grantees (six compared to three in the previous wave).


πŸ“‘ Daily Crypto Calendar, October, 17thπŸ’°

  • Cryptrust (CTRT)

Cryptrust Mobile Social dApp launched on October 17th with more features & new light UI.

  • General Event (CRYPTO), Medicalchain (MTN)

Financial Times Digital Health Summit will take place on October 17th, 2018 in New York.


"#ANON is being listed on IDAX and Coinone in under 2 weeks (#12 on CMC and #3 in South Korea)."

  • Bitcoin (BTC)

"Bitcoin Future Contract (XBT/V8) will be expired on October 17th, 2018"

  • Repme (RPM)

"In true crypto spirit, RepMe would like to make an announcement about an upcoming announcement."

  • General Event (CRYPTO)

"The largest blockchain gathering in the region."
Sources: Coincalendar.info, Cryptocalendar.pro, Coinscalendar.com, CoinMarketCal


STEEM Trading Update by my friend @cryptopassion

Here is the chart of yesterday :

Here is the current chart :

Yesterday, I was explaining you that it looks like the BTC want start a move, I was not imaginating a so big move hehe. So yeah, we had the move and as foreseen, it helped us to break the resistance line also on the STEEM. You can see that we even went to 0.96$ but we quickly drop after it. Anyway, we are now upper of the resistance line of the trading canal and this is already a good news. Let's see if this move will be confirm soon.

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