QueenAnt Exploit Lets Hackers Change The Antminer Bitcoin Payout Address


QueenAnt Exploit Lets Hackers Change The Antminer Bitcoin Payout Address


The Antminer gadgets are fundamentally designed to be utilized with the CGminer open source programming. Tim Noise, an Australian security scientist, specifies how there is a weakness in the setup of this product that can be misused. Subsequently, programmers could take control of any Antminer currently mining Bitcoin.

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To be more exact, the gadget itself would proceed with its operations as it generally has. Be that as it may, the prizes from mining can be sluiced to an alternate Bitcoin address. QueenAnt, as this endeavor is named, can be found on GitHub. In spite of the fact that this may have all the earmarks of being an issue with CGMiner itself, the reason lies substantially more profound.

Clamor clarifies how the defenselessness can be abused. CGMiner acknowledges approaching TCP associations through a RPC interface. Each Antminer runs the OpenWRT OS, which incorporates CGMiner for the greater part of the mining methodology. Over this is an OpenWRT LuCi web interface, gathering insights from the RPC interface without requiring a username or secret key.

This would enable programmers to infuse their Bitcoin deliver to get stores, as opposed to the one having a place with the mineworker. Fortunately, it is moderately simple to sidestep this endeavor, by refreshing the cgminer.conf and cgminer.sh, records. Antminer clients can change the framework secret word, including an additional layer of assurance.

Another game-plan is take the Antminers disconnected totally, a strategy sent by greater mining ranches as of now. Until further notice, it shows up the Antminer S5 is somewhat powerless against these assaults. At the date of keeping in touch with, it was misty if these issues were settled when the Antminer S7 was created.

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