Stock Trading Platform Robinhood Latest Company To Cash In On Crypto Craze With New Cryptocurrency Exchange

With the headline of their article "Don't Sleep," Robinhood is obviously trying to appeal to the old geezers who still don't know what this Bitcoin thing is all about.

I mean, why else would they only offer 16 different trading pairs to potential users of their exchange?

Don't they know that the REAL money is in altcoins and ICOs? You'd think that a speculative trading platform like Robinhood - which is basically legalized gambling - would give their users the chance to blow their entire 401k on Dentacoin.

Silly, silly corporations.

I've long advocated the Kucoin model.

Basically you're going to ignore all of the major coins aside from Bitcoin and BCH in favor of listing the newer coins. Try and limit the amount of pump and dump shitcoins and fill your site with speculative coins available for less than $10 each.

Unfortunately for them, Robinhood is an established company, probably with investors who are worried about stupid things like "compliance" and "regulations."

Silly, silly corporations!

When will you get smart and move your headquarteres to Belarus? When are you going to realize that the REAL money is in the laissez-fair free market and not in the United States?

Why do you think Qaddafi was worth $200+ billion? Think he got there from abiding by laws and rules?

How do you think Rockefeller and Rothschild made their money? Did they give a shit about anti-trust laws? Of course not, because they didn't exist back then. But does that matter now?

For a more recent example, remember Bill Gates? He managed to get Microsoft onto every computer produced by IBM for years. Why else do you think he made a bazillion dollars?

The point I'm trying to make is that yes, Robinhood will probably make money with this move anyway because crypto is the new hot thing. You could literally take a shit in a bag and call it "shitcoin" and people would buy it.

Aside from that, the platform also boasts the following features:

  1. Dual-monitoring of traditional financial instruments and cryptos
  2. Instant deposits up to $1000
  3. Commission-free trading
  4. Secure platform (whatever that means)

Read the official announcement from their blog here.

What do you think about Robinhood's announcement? Should they add some more speculative coins on there or just stick with the blue chips? Let me know in a comment.

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