Nagan 7- Episode 8- A new home

This is cryptopunk. It's like steampunk or diesel punk. It depicts a different kind of life. This one is scifi based. You have the freedom loving people of Nagan VII and the bureaucratic Kartouri who seek to rule them. Let's see what happens in eipisode 8.

Muxxy and Welk were like two little school boys watching the fire works display. "Operation Excessive Fuckery" worked perfectly. Santana was pleased too. They used Netuoso's hacking skills to overwrite the targetting system. When the Karts made their violent intentions clear they activated the program and took over the targetting system. In truth only two ships were out there. Santana in Baby-4 and Mystique sailing the Discordiant. All the other targets were weapons systems, engine systems, and other critical systems on the the Dreadnaughts. Neither Mystique or Santana fired a shot. The peace enforcers blew the shit out of each other.

Now for the rescue operation. It hadn't been planned this way, but two of the Dreadnaught raider bitches actually shut down life support on one another. Seems like the Kartouri put their engines a little too close to the circulation systems. The couple holes they poked in the ships hull maybe led to a few deaths, but if they didn't get over there and patch life support or life boat everyone there was gonna be some blood on their hands.

Sammo? You ready to launch?

"Maam I'm always ready to launch!"

Sammo, the newly hired ship's engineer released the docking clamps and shot out of the launch bay. Muxxy, Welk, and Santana along with a skeleton crew flashed across the deep space horizon shooting towards Tanic's "capsized" boat. Mystique took another team over to the second Dreadnaught to help them. That looked a little more serious, so they were focusing on being a life boat. Mystique's ship wasn't much of a transport ship, but the mess deck was big enough to hold a thousand people. Mystique had also put up additional calls out through Should be a few ships coming to help soon.

When they hit the Dreadnaught Sammo got out the Cutters and set to work. He carved out a healthy section of the hull. They were ready in spacesuits for it just to be open vacuum, but it seems the ship had automatically shutoff some of the open-to-space sections. It was cold, but it wasn't dead. Sammo flicked on his light and could see a few dead engineers and a metal rod that looked like it was shorting a power couple. "I'll get this done in a giff cap."

About a day later the Kartouri were already settled in about 1400 homes. Some were concentrated in a few hospitals. The Kartouri were pretty evenly split between dead and otherwise fine. Santana took in Tanic himself in her home, a quiet homestead about an hour from Nagnarock by the maglev or even less if you took the underground tubes. What are presumed to be his wife and kid weren't doing quite as well. The woman, who Santana couldn't tell was either Margaret or Vanessa and the child were both taken to the hospital. Some explosion had damaged the babies face and it seemed likely a bioic eye would be necessary. Apparently a mother's instinct kicked in too and she had shielded the kid. So, she was suffering from pretty serious burns across her back, but nothing some stem cells couldn't fix.

Tanic was still out cold. Docs said he was ok and it was just a concussion. He was now on a couch. She had bought a tech tab for him. She wrote out instructions, left the note on the tech tab, and went into town to grab food for two and some clothes.

Episode 7- Consequences

Tanic put down his new son Tanic Jr. A blobby smily sort of child. His eyes would wander around the room with curiosity. Venessa, the mother, was on the bed. It was awkward telling Margaret about what happened. To her he had left for a minor mission, but for him it was 2-years and unclear if he'd ever return. Vanessa provided relief and a chance for a life, but now that he was back in his original universe it was difficult to explain. It was mostly going back and forth on calls with endless sobbing. He loved her dearly, but he hoped she would understand that it wasn't intentional infidelity. What happens in other time lines and dimensions stays in them... except for children.

He tickled Tanic Jr one more time and went to the bridge.

Tanic Elotaw allowed himself a smirk as his newly retrofitted Dreadnaught class Peace Enforcer exited Quantum slip outside of Nagan VII accompanied by two additional Peace Enforcers 141007 and 154022. His weapons were ready. Margaret hadn't snapped at him in a few hours, and Nagan VII was about to be bombarded to pieces. He tugged his uniform tight and started his broadcast.

"People of Nagan VII. Your insurrection against the Kartouri Civilization is at an end. Unless you issue uncondional surrender and agree to annexation by writ of Councilor Mago your civilization will be nuetrali..."

The broadcast cut out unexpectedly. The screen went blank, and after a brief disruption it flickered and his nemesis "Admiral" Santana appeared.

"Tanic, I'm sorry to see you again. We have prepared for your arrival and will unroll the welcome mat if you don't leave immediately. Head back to your Kartouri shithole either in peace or pieces. The option is yours."

Tanic laughed. "Santana, you may not know this but I've been waiting two years for this opportunity. I've come with friends and the latest technology available to Kartouri. We hereby suggest you power down, lay down your arms and prepare to be boarded. We have no intention of leaving without annexati.." again the screen cut out. There was a brief high pitched squeel, and then a hard hitting bass rythm starting pounding at rediculous levels on the bridge. This was followed by a hard hitting drum solo on top of it." He plugged his ears.

His new weapons officer Digs started shouting, but it was broken up by the noise. "Com... de.r. There.. bogie.... 360.." Tanic looked at the tactical display and saw several hundreds blips appear. He also saw "operation excessive fuckery" on the screen. "Give me a visual" he shouted, but Digs indicated he couldn't hear.

The next second he was on the ground. He looked at the HUD and saw 3 deck floors flashing yellow and apparently depressurizing. He ran to the window and saw a flurry of torpedoes hitting his ship. He knocked the ensign out of his chair and steered the ship towards the bogie, but his dreadnaught didn't respond. The engines were powering down, and even life support was turned off. He went back to the window and saw the other two peace enforcers were dark, and then his lights went off. All that was left was functional was the deafening sound of the viking crypto metal band Fyrce pouding in the speakers. A blast went off on the bridge knocking him down and unconscious.

It was the last sound he heard as Santana's small fleet picked apart his ships apart.

Episode 6 unintentionally skipped :)

Here's where it all started- @aggroed/fiction-friday-4-fictional-settings-and-4-epic-introductions

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