What about your cryptocurrencies when you are dead? 加密遗嘱


I'm a big time cryptocurrency investor. With that said, I have
80% of my net worth invested in various kind of digital coins. The return so far has been great and I'm so glad how this technology has lifted me up financially. However, there is one things that keep bothering.

What if I be gone suddenly one day?

The purpose of cryptocurrency is to decentralized the centralized, unbank the banked. The owner of the coins will be the bank of thier own. All the passwords, recovery seeds, private keys or any form of ownership to the virtual assets should never be revealed to others.

Life is more fragile than we thought it is. If I got struck by a truck tomorrow, what will happend to my cryptocurrencies? They are forever gone in the sea of blockchains.

We used to delegate lawyer to enforce our heritance assignment after our last day. Lawyer or the law firm who execute your will is absolutely a form of centralised authority. Would you pass them all your wallet privates keys and count on them to pass it to your heirs? Definitely not, unless you’re nuts.

Would it be great if we can make use of the power of the blockchain, or smart contract?

For example, we can set a smart contract that in case this particular wallet isn’t active for the last 1000 days, a packet of preset credentials will be unlocked and send to a designated person. Now we’ll have a working crypto will!

What do you think?






因为区块链就是可以去掉点与点之间不必要的信任,让透明的系统处理一切。例子的话,可以使用智能合约观察一个钱包最后一千天的活动。要是没有任何活动的迹象,断定持有人不在世而解除合约,打包加密在里头的信息就会自动传给之前定好的某人。这加密遗嘱的概念应该挺不错的,似乎现在还没有这样的 project 在进行?


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