Sate matang in Aceh really delicious let's try

satay matang in Aceh which is famous for its delicious taste

This map towards satay matang in Aceh

Sate is included foods most fans. Almost everyone I've ever tasted culinary meat- based this. The meat skewered on a stick or bamboo is a very popular food in the archipelago.

Indonesian is rich in ethnic, tradition and way of cooking has spawned various types of satay, including Padang satay, satay Maduran, and various other satay. Well, in Aceh there are also culinary no less tasty satay with satay from other regions.

Sate we mean by this is satay Matang. When you come to Aceh, you shall taste the typical satay Aceh. Because it seems no less tasty satay other areas, and will definitely get you hooked want to try again.

For those who first heard the word "Mature" is definitely her alleged "Cook". But it turns out, the allegations were false. Matang are districts where the name is derived satay, which Matangglumpangdua districts. Matangglumpangdua located on the border between North Aceh and Bireuen.

Sate Matang is very easy to be in all the major cities in Indonesia. Satay vendors such as wheelbarrows, you could see the writing reads "Sate Matang" in carts satay seller. And usually this Mature satay served with a bowl of bean soup broth and seasonings.

In addition to mutton, beef is also used as a meat satay this Matang. Meat that has been cut into small pieces are embedded in the puncture, and then soaked in batter seasoning spices form while. Then satay ready to bake in the oven.

To complement, not forgetting goat broth is typical for a sprinkling of chives. The amount of spices in the broth, making broth produces a strong fragrance, fresh, and soft. The smell of spices like cardamom, star anise, cloves, cinnamon, and pepper.

When you visit Aceh let taste satay matang  in Banda Aceh and in other cities in Aceh can you meet these Matang satay. Even in major cities throughout Indonesia are also many who peddle satay Matang.

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