Hong Kong Snapshot (41) – Green House, worst example of urban conservation in HK 香港随拍(41) – 綠屋,香港最差的保育例子

I had talked about the Blue House, best example of urban conservation in the world two days ago. And today I want to talk about the Green House, a completely failure of urban conservation!
(For my old post about Blue House, please check: @aaronli/hong-kong-snapshot-40-blue-house-best-example-of-urban-conservation-in-the-world-40)

Green House is located at Mallory Street in Wan Chai. It is a block of ten tenement houses built in 1912-1926 with history of 100 years. It is now listed as Graded Ii historic buildings. The name of Green House comes from its green color wall. The 4-floors Tong Lau (tenement in old HK style) is the earliest Tong Lau with strong Western flavor. The floors are connected with timber staircase. And also the Chinese tiled pitched roofs, French doors, patterned floor tiles and ornamental iron balustrades are built in Western style. 100 years passed, Green House is now one of the most valuable historical and cultural assets of HK.



The old green house 綠屋
(photo from wiki)

2005, HK government announced the conservation project of Green House. Not intended for redevelopment, the project was carried out to restore as fully as possible the original appearance of the tenement houses while giving them a “new life”. And now, it becomes the “Comix House Base”, I call it nondescript.



The result of the conservation of Green House is the “Comix House Base”. It’s the first conservation project with cultural and creativity as the theme of the conservation. But seems the Government forgot the restore the original appearance of Green House. We cannot see the original appearance of Green House anymore. I can’t even recognize it was a Tong Lau!

The wall is now black and white. The architect said it is to restore the colour when the tenement houses were built. OK fine. The Green House is black and white color. And we look inside. We can’t see anything related to the old green house – glass wall, flyover. It’s now like a commercial building. Conservation!?



Wow! Modern Building!

The three main points of conservation are buildings, histories and communities. And this project did nothing about the three points. I would say it’s the best example of “fake conservation” in HK. Luckily, it didn’t become a shopping mall. It is now the “Comix House Base” and let comics and animation artists of HK have a house base. Really luckily? Not really.

The lobby of Comix House Base shows a display board introducing the history of HK comics and animations. And that’s all. You can’t see any more introduction anymore. Not even a famous work by HK comic and animation artists. There is a big picture drawing all the famous characters of HK Comics and Animation in the piazza. But you will never know who they are because of no description.



The only introduction of HK comics and animations in the whole Comix House Base”

any meaning of you don’t introduce the characters?

The 1st floor is a restaurant. Let’s skip it. And nothing on the 2nd floor except a small comic salon at the end of the floor. You can read comic there but seems comics from Japan and Korea are even more than those in HK. Coming out from the comic salon, I found a description board about the Kitchen of the green house. Oh! I was at the kitchen of green house. Take a look at the photo below, you can really recognize it’s a kitchen? It is called conservation!?


Comix Salon 動漫沙龍

And it was the kitchen. Sorry I didn’t get it

Nothing again on the 3rd floor. And the 4th floor, there was a photography exhibition. Photography? Related to Comics and Animations? And I saw a description board again about the roof top of Green House. It was in between the photography works. Haha funny.


empty lobby of the 2nd and 3rd floor m

The description board is placed between the photos

And I found some description boards blocked by other stuffs….

The comics and animations of HK have a great history. HK was one of the biggest comics output of the world and exacly the biggest comics output among the Chinese community. For animations, “My Life as McDull” was awarded the Grand Prix at the Annecy International Animated Film Festlival, Annect, France in 2003. In 2007, “TMNT” grossed $95.6 million worldwide. Recent, HK comics is having a tour exhibition in Japan, London and also City of Brussels. We can see the power of comics and animations of HK.


My Life as McDull 麥兜故事

TMNT (2007) 忍者神龜

But this great result can’t let HK have a real “Comix House Base”. I found an article about the “Comix House Base” in the web. It mentioned due to the bad promotion and operation management of “Comix House Base”, the numbers of visitor are bad. Because of the problem of rental fee, many Comics and Animations workshops and studios moved away from Comix House Base. And now Comix House Base is only an empty shell.
(The article I found on web (in Chinese): http://bkb.mpweekly.com/%E8%A8%AD%E8%A8%88%E7%94%9F%E6%B4%BB/%E3%80%90%E6%B4%BB%E5%8C%96%E5%BB%BA%E7%AF%89%EF%BC%8C%E8%89%B1%E9%9B%A3%E5%89%8D%E8%A1%8C%E4%B9%8B%E4%B8%89%E3%80%91%E7%81%A3%E4%BB%94%E5%8B%95%E6%BC%AB%E5%9F%BA%E5%9C%B0%EF%BC%8C%E6%B2%92%E6%9C%89)

(我在網上看到的文章: http://bkb.mpweekly.com/%E8%A8%AD%E8%A8%88%E7%94%9F%E6%B4%BB/%E3%80%90%E6%B4%BB%E5%8C%96%E5%BB%BA%E7%AF%89%EF%BC%8C%E8%89%B1%E9%9B%A3%E5%89%8D%E8%A1%8C%E4%B9%8B%E4%B8%89%E3%80%91%E7%81%A3%E4%BB%94%E5%8B%95%E6%BC%AB%E5%9F%BA%E5%9C%B0%EF%BC%8C%E6%B2%92%E6%9C%89)

I believe this Tong Lau next the Comix House Base is worth more to visit

There are often speech and workshops in Comix House Base. And they are the only things related to Comics and Animations. So now, Green House is not Green House anymore, and Comix House Base is not really a “Comix House Base”.I believe, we can only see such kind of conservation farce in HK.


Comix House Base 動漫基地

Screen Shot 2017-11-10 at 5.53.33 PM.jpg

Address: 7 Mallory Street, Wan Chai, Hong Kong Island
Opening hour: 10:00 – 20:00


!steemitworldmap 22.2773711 lat 114.1738424 long d3scr


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