W̲h̲a̲t̲ ̲P̲e̲o̲p̲l̲e̲ ̲E̲a̲t̲ ̲a̲t̲ ̲B̲r̲e̲a̲k̲f̲a̲s̲t̲ ̲i̲n̲ ̲D̲i̲f̲f̲e̲r̲e̲n̲t̲ ̲C̲o̲u̲n̲t̲r̲i̲e̲s̲

Food is one of the most important activities that we have as human beings, food is a public fact and determinant in the lives of all. 

A human being who is not fed is a living being that is destined to die, so it is considered feeding people as a fact that is able to determine the life of someone.

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It is through foods where we can replenish our forces, if a living being, any, is not fed, most likely their vital organs cease to function and their death is imminent. This places us with a very logical, simple, determinant, real and possible need. We must feed ourselves in order to live. Now, food alone can not give us life, we must consume them, it is through the consumption of food where our body, or where our body, is able to absorb each and every one of the nutrients they bring with them. The food we consume.

In all countries, food cultures and ways of eating can vary a little. However, in all or most of them, there is a minimum of breakfast, because it is the first meal of the day and that could determine all the forces during the bulk of the day.

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 It is very simple to eat, it is one of the most common actions that all people do and that we effectively do every day in a constant, repeated and repetitive way. Breakfast gives us some pleasure, gives us a sense of relief and natural satisfaction that we could do it over and over again until we reach the top of our stomachs always if we had the possibility to always do it this way.

However, not all people have the possibility of having breakfast at the top of their stomachs, a good breakfast costs money, the food we consume has a monetary value to which not all people have access, or that their access is inefficient to to be able to make the purchase of these foods, so that sometimes hunger is much greater than the satisfaction to which we refer a moment ago.

However, beyond talking about those who have the possibility of buying more food and those who do not have it, talking about the quality of these foods is much more important and has a much greater interest.

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In some countries, they usually eat light foods, usually eat fruits, cereals, drinks, they are usually water, as we see, do not consume anything that we can consider as heavy for our body. In other countries usually, do the opposite, usually eat much heavier and stronger, meats for example. In the countries of South America, you usually eat balanced, between the lightest and raising the level to the calories and protein consumed.


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