👑 👑 👑The Most Successful Political Ideology in the World👑 👑 👑

👑Cromwellian Monarchism👑

843px-Oliver_Cromwell_by_Samuel_Cooper.jpgCromwell symbolizes a very important stage in the British people's history.

Firstly Cromwell and his new model army smashed the entire concept of absolute monarchy and with it the concept that one man is inherently superior to another.


Secondly he cast aside finally and for good the yoke of domination of the clerical-fascist church of rome.



Monarchism stands for the benevolent rule of monarchs stretching from glorious Queen Elizabeth the first all the way to the magnificent reign of Queen Elizabeth the second( excluding of course that dirty rascal who wished to rekindle the bonfires of the auto-da-fé and got his nasty head chopped off by the righteous (but not that much fun) Oliver Cromwell) in which the Commonwealth suffered neither foreign invasion or mass starvation for 500 years(in world war two there was starvation in India attributed directly to Churchill's orders not to ship food, a blot on the record to be sure).

While the USA does not belong to the Commonwealth having been infected with french notions of republicanism( not the Republican party but the idea that not having a monarch is a good thing, quel terrible!) I think anyone can see that America is more like Australia than it is like France especially when either people travel to another country.
So in short I support my Queen Elizabeth II and yet when I walk by the restaurant named the Kingshead I smile and support its celebration of the execution of a king who sought to enslave our very minds.
The other day I heard a prominent you-tuber describe himself as an Anarcho-Monarchist that made me curious, maybe that term describes me I'll have to research it.

The Real world proven stability of this system is its major selling feature.

The enshrinement of ownership of private property including the ownership of oneself is the centre piece of Common Law (which of course is also what U.S. law is based on as well).

Freedom of thought is a definite foundation of Cromwellian Monarchism even though this under attack throughout the Commonwealth thanks to marxist f*ckery.

Cromwellian Monarchism ended the international slave trade with its own navy.

Cromwellian Monarchism made it law that all slave had to do was set foot on Commonwealth land they were free.

Cromwellian Monarchism also gave the world basketball!

God save the Queen!

All pictures free to use or share, even commercially

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