Red packets for Chinese New Year: A fabulous year ahead 農曆新年的紅包:希望過個更好的新年

In the Chinese lunar calendar, we have 12 zodiac signs going in a never-stopping cycle where each sign takes turn year in and out to be featured as a sign of the year.

Each sign represents some Fung Shui characters; some people may feel prosperous and healthy in a particular year where they fit in well with a zodiac sign of the year and form a harmonious relationship between each other. Contrary to that, some may feel the same year to be bumpy when that relationship may not work for them.


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Every red packet has some good words printed on it

We are about to wave goodbye to the year of rooster and the year of dog is on its way for a new Chinese New Year. Married people like me can be very tied up with sorting out piles of red packets a week before the Chinese New Year. We slot in a banknote into each red packet and have stacks to do.

Throughout the first 15 days of the Chinese New Year, we give a pair of red packets to children or anyone who is not married, be they own children, relatives, or friends. It is not always the case of a pair of red packets; couples give a pair of red packets while single moms or dads give a single packet. This is a cultural norm rather than discrimination or bias.


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Wife and I have been doing these

It does not matter that whether it is a small or big banknote in a red packet, although some show-offs might have exploited that as a chance to feel too proudly about their self-perceived deep pockets. What matters most is the genuine blessing involved in the giving and taking of red packets.

Those receiving a red packet verbally express gratitude and wish the person from whom they receive the packet. In Hong Kong where common Chinese New Year wishes verbally expressed in Cantonese go: ‘Kung Hei Fat Choi’ (wishing you good prosperity), ‘San Tai Kin Hong’ (wishing you good health), ‘Sun Chun Fai Lok’ (wishing you a happy Chinese new year). These wishes can be heard here and there.


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As you may be aware, wishes can be good health, good prosperity, good family relationships, good loving relationship, good luck, good career, or whatever that has a positive implication. This creates an atmosphere where everyone hopes that the New Year is fabulous for him or her to thrive in work, school, health, family, or love.


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Here, I am wishing everyone on Steemit: Kung Hei Fat Choi’ (wishing you good prosperity), ‘San Tai Kin Hong’ (wishing you good health), and ‘Sun Chun Fai Lok’ (wishing you a happy Chinese new year).

Photos and content are original.

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