Brother Maitreya in Dae Jo Sa temple in Boo Yeo (Korea)


I have posted before that there are three stone Buddhas in the Koryeo period in Nonsan and Buyeo. Among them, the Vairocana Buddha statue was called the mother of the Maitreya statue in Gwan Chock Sa. I have already posted about the Maitreya of Gwan Chock Sa and the Vairocana Buddha statue.

Today I would like to post about the Maitreya of Dae Jo Sa temple near Boo Yeo city which was the capital of Baek Jae Dynasty at 7century in Korea.

The Dae Jo Sa temple was located in 30 minutes distance by car from Gwan Chock Sa.

At arriving at the temple, I was amazed with wild flowers. There were a lot of wild flowers around the steps to the main building of the temple. My eyes were full of Autumn. The wild flowers were so beautiful.

I' d like to show you the beauty of Korean Autumn.




It seemed like wild flowers welcomed me. I entered the entrance of the temple in an amazing feeling. The main building was newly built so nothing is special.

But what made me interesting was old tower in front of the main building.

IMG_6659.JPGTop picture

I do not know when the tower was built. Originally, the tower collapsed and was scattered around. They gathered and assembled later. The style of the power looked like to be the Unified Shilla period style. This tower is much more balanced than the Tower of the Koryeo Dynasty.

(typical koryeo tower)


The tower is a three-story pagoda. The body was it's own, but the upper part was missing. It is said that the top part was made when the tower was built again. The body of the tower still remained intact.



The Maitreya statue was at the hill behind the temple. On the way up to the Maitreya statue, the flowers were also blooming brightly.


When I went up, the upper part of Maitreya was covered. It was told that there would be a ceremony to draw the pupil of eyes which was disappeared. I was sorry that I could not take the photo of the front image of the Maitreya. When the curtain was blowing in the wind, I took a photo of Buddha's face image. The crown on the head of the Maitreya Buddha was as same as the Maitreya statue of Gwan Chock Sal. The overall appearance of Maitreya was similar to that of Gwan Chock Sa temple. So it was thought that the Maitreyas of Gwan Chock Sa and Dae Jo Sa are the brother.





The rocks in front of the Maitreya statue were carved with various names.


It seemed that they wanted their name to be remembered forever. But there is nothing eternal in the world. Who will remember the name engraved on the stone hundreds of years ago? Everything is gone. Our lives are gone too. So is our life. Life is not forever.

We often think that what is in front of us is the most important and precious. But life is not eternal. Who will remember me after I die, as I can not remember the name engraved on the stone? So all greed is vanity.

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