Hidden Road for Strolling around Mountain in Seoul


Every metropolis has it's unique features.
Seoul has it's interesting characteristics. One of the notable features in Seoul is the geographical side. Seoul is surrounded by mountains. The walls that I had posted for several times were built along the mountains. They had used geographical advantage of the mountains, when they had built the walls.

The mountains around Seoul are offering many advantages to citizens. I'd like to introduce hidden way for strolling near the mountain in Seoul. The benefit that the mountains are offering is that you could enjoy hiking the mountains anytime you want. You could find people wearing mountain gear in the street. It could be strange for you. You can enjoy mountain climbing from professional level to tracking.

Here I'd like to post the road near the mountain where people could enjoy hiking easily. Near Seongbookdong, I posted several times, there is very calm and nice place to walk around. Even though this place is located in the center of Seoul, you might feel like you are in the deep mountain.

The road is awesome. I recommend you walk around when you have something to think or you have serious problem. While walking this calm road, problems which make you difficult will go away.

The road is well prepared to walk as below.

You could get there at anytime you want. It is not far from downtown. It takes 30 minutes by bus and walk at most.

Sometimes you can see the stone piles by the road. I took the pics one man pile the stones.

It seemed like a religious ceremony. He was serious.

Where the mountain is, there is stream.

The was a stream under the mountain. Stream was small, but it was clean.

In the water, I could see small fishes.

Calm and awesome mountain road, clean water and fishes seemed purify my spirit.

I wish you never miss the chance to walk around the mountain near Seongbookdong.

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