Historic Symbol in Seoul, Nam Dae Moon

The best well known symbol was Nam Dae Moon.
It means Southern Entrance to Seoul.
Official Name was Soong Lyae Moon 崇禮門
It means that Respect Courtesy Gate literally.

It was built in 1396 A.D. with the beginning of Choson dynasty. This gate had survived through several times of war, even in Korean war.

But one who had mental problem set Nam Dae Moon fire in 2001.

Fire was had continued all night.

Next morning, we koreans were totally shocked.
The Shape of Nam Dae Moon was gruesome.

Koreans had lived with Nam Dae Moon nearly 700 years. It suddenly went away.

I visited near Nam Dae Moon occasionally. Some desire rose from my inside. I never had been there after fire.
I took pictures on Nam Dae Moon. Of course this Gate is not the Gate what I had seen before.

But there is nothing last forever. I thought that the important thing than history is memories.

The Nam Dae Moon had been rebuilt for several years.

Front board is a face of the gate.

coloured stone is original parts.

when you come closer, you can look at the scurs by bullets in Korean War.

The gatekeeper in traditional military uniform.

You can take the pictures with them.

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