Inside of the Main Building of the Temple, Gwan Chock Sa


Finally I stood in front of the main building of the Temple.


It was dim, but I could see beautiful colors of back ground in it


There are 3 Buddhas in the main building, past Buddha, present Buddha, and Future Buddha,
Left one is past Buddha, center is a present Buddha of Shakyamonyi, The light one is future Buddha.

The future Buddha had an important meaning for people.
They had believed in that the future Buddha would save for their difficult life of this present time.
The future Buddha was believed in as a savior like Jesus.

The ceiling of the building was impressive, there was a beautiful ornament above of the statues of Buddha.

There were 2 dragons of blue and red.
I've posted the meaning of dragons in Buddhism.

They are a kinds of horse of Kannon Bodhisattva, the goddess of mercy.
They should fly so fast to hear the prays of people.


There were the sculptures of the angels in each side.
The angel is of the appearance of a boy, not a woman.



There are wild geese at each side of the ornament of the ceiling.



Why are the wild geese in this temple ?
I was curious about the reason why ?
But there I couldn't find a person who could answer to my question.

If you ever had read my posting on the Kwanum Am, you might remember there were the phoenix on the ceiling


Below are the phoenixes of the Kwanum Am



I could not find the differences between the phoenix and the wild geese.

There are so many symbols in Buddhism, because they thought that it is impossible to describe the truth with the words.
So they have used lots of metaphors to show the essence of the Buddha's teaching.

That's the reason why I thought there is a meaning of the wild geese.

The more I learn, the more questions come out.

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