Kangwhado island and King Cheoljong


Kangwhado island is famous for as the place, where the last third king of Choson Dynasty had lived before he became a king.
Cheoljong(1831-1864) was one of the closest king’s family. But he was sent to the Kangwhado island with his brother far from the Seoul.

Even though he was king’s closest relative, he had to work for his daily food. And his neighbor thought him as a common people

At that time king’s family was very dangerous, they could be easily accused of the treason against the king.

So Cheoljong was sent to the Kangwhado island. But when the present king was dead, the cheoljong was called to become a king. When he received the order from the king’s family, he thought they must’ve killed him.

Anyway the farmer became a king.

It have been told that the king Cheoljong always had missed the life of the Kangwhado island.

The place where King Cheoljong had been lived in Kangwhado island was next to the Anglican Church.

We entered into the Cheoljong’s house.

But there was nothing special. The original grass roof house seemed to be removed.

Nothing original was left

The traditional house had been built after Cheoljong became a King.

My mom was very interested in King Cheoljong.
I know her feeling. She felt so sorry to him.
My mom and so many korean people believed that King Cheoljong was dead due to the loneliness in the Palace.

Only the monument stone showed us here as of the King cheoljong”s living place.

The board was hung at the front gate, it was written that the dragon rising gate. The dragon means the king.

Outside of the house, there were some monument showing the commanders’ Loyalty to the King.

Before being a King, nobody cared for Cheoljong.
After becoming a King, everybody was trying to show their Loyalty.

He became a king at his age of 18 years old, and he passed away at his age of 33 years old.
He had been a King for 15 years. He didn’t have a child.

It is said that he had missed a life and his friends in Kangwhado island.

He was a poor king. Walking around the his house, I felt sorry to him like my mom.

His nickname was Kangwha Doryeong.
Here Doryeong means ‘kid’

With his death, the destiny of Choson dynasty was declined.

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