Last posting on Gwan Chock Sa, the Praying room for the dead and Miscellanies


This posting would be the last on the Gwan Chock Sa temple. I have posted several times on Gwan Chock Sa Temple and the Maitreya Buddha sculpture.
What I'd like to introduce to you in Gwan Chocka was a spring water. It tasted sweet and cold.


Gwan Chock Sa temple had very special political meaning on History of Korea especially on forming of Koyreo Dynasty. I already posted on political background of the big stone statues in this region


In Gwan Chock Sa, I could find interesting things. There was a monument for the first president Rhee Shyng Man who was ousted for the dictatorship.

It was also unexpected that there were photos of late president and first woman who were killed. First woman was killed by North Korean terrorist. President Park Jeong Hee was killed by his beloved subordinate general who was the chief of KCIA(Korean Central Intelligence Agency).



History is full of irony. First daughter of late President Park Jeong Hee was the last President Park Guen Hae who was ousted by people last year.
Have you ever heard on Candle light demonstration last year in Korea ? She was ousted by candle light demonstration for the corruption in politics and the retreat of democratic process.

Evaluation to the late President Park was very complicated. He was a father of modernization of Korea, but he was a dictator oppressing democracy in Korea. He was killed by his man due to the retreat of democracy.

That's why I was interested in the praying room for the dead.



In this room there are Bodhisattva and 10 judging kings in the hell
The Bodhisattva was originally women, but expressed as a man.


It is said that she prayed never to be a Buddha until she save all people from hell
I thought there must be 10 kinds of hell in Buddhism.



As I posted before, I am not Buddhist, so I don't know very well on Buddhism.

After looking at the praying room for the dead, I saw a woman praying in front of Maitreya Buddha statue. While she praying, her daughter was disturbing her.
She prayed very sincerely. I was wondered what made her so sincere in praying.





We all have burdens on our shoulders, the rich has more burden and the poor have less burden.

I left Gwan Chock Sa through stone gate in the name of deliverance of soul.


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