The Dolmen not Protected in Wrong Place and The Mystery of the Asterism on the Dolmen


I read a local news paper which introduced on the historical heritages. I had an interest on one article which was written about the Dolmen in downtown. I had visited so many places of the Dolmen in Korea.

There are so many Dolmens in Korea, in my guess Korea has the most Dolmens in the world. But it was the first time that there was a dolmen in downtown.

So I’d like to see that Dolmen as soon as possible. It was 2 weeks ago when I had dropped by the Dolmen.
As looking at that Dolmen, I was surprised twice.

At first, the Dolmen was totally not protected by the administration. It was located by the road. There was no facilities to protect the dolmen.

The dolmen was believed to had been built for 7-8 thousands years ago.
The explanation on the Dolmen was written on the standing board.
There was written that this Dolmen was very important in the study of the Bronze Age in Korea.

It was really difficult to find the place of the Dolmen. I could not find any guiding board around there.
The Dolmen was located in the corner of the cabbage patch. I was got angry.

The second, that made me surprise was the holes on the Dolmen.

The holes had special meaning, it was the dipper stars.

Around the dipper stars there were another stars.

Why they carved the dipper stars on the Dolmen. It means that more than 8 thousand years ago, they understand the operation of the celestial body.
The dipper stars had a very important meaning in old age of Korea.
Old Koreans believed that the dipper stars were managing the lives of people.
When people died, the spirit of people went to fly to the 7 North Stars.
So the dipper was the object of religious worship before in Korea.
I thought the meaning of the dippers on the Dolmen was the sign of the dipper religion.

This kinds of worship was common in the area of Siberian people. So when you visit the central asia, you can find so many common folk cultures with Korea.
In this way, the world was linked from Asia to Europe.

Even though I was upset, the Dolmen was great. It was the first time for me to look at the asterism on the Dolmen.

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