The Essence of the Beauty and The Miracle of History

20170906 slowwalker

When do you feel beauty ? What make people feel beauty ?

The one of the best present for our life given by God is the ability to enjoy the beauty. All arts of mankind could had been brought from this ability to distinguish beauty from ugly. The pursuit for the beauty seem to be said as the main engine of the Art.

Here, this colors of the temple was the result of this power. Nun said to me that there was one artist who was very talented in his work, but not talented in making money.
That Artist have devoted his life to reproduce the beauty of Shilla Dynasty’s painting colour art for long time. Finally he succeeded in reproduction. He’d like to paint his skill. But nobody want to try real traditional art in their temple. One day the chief nun in this temple heard that news and made up her mind to try Shilla art.

In fact, the colour of Palace and Temple was believed to accept the influence from china so much. But During the period of Shilla Dynasty, chinese influence in culture had been believed not so powerful. It might be mysterious that early korean art and culture had very close basis with that of Skitai and Huns. So many relics have been founded in tombs of Shilla Dynasty were supposed to come from even Rome.

The colours and patterns reproduced in this temple were as same as Persian Empire. It means that Shilla and Persia had had close relationships. There are very interesting story that Shilla and Persia had had a close relation. One old mask dance named “Cheoyong Moo” have been handed down from Shilla Dynasty. And very famous old song “Cheoyong Ga” have been handed down from Shilla Dynasty.
I’d like to post on this dance and story when I am ready.

As looking this colours and patterns, I wish you have in mind that how Shilla and Persia had had such a close relations, even though they were far away from to this end to that end. Do you believe that more than 2000 years ago there a close contact was ?

Let’s see the patterns in more detail.

The characteristics of the color and the patterns are that Persian Geometric patterns and Buddhist meanings and symbols were mixed with harmony.
I wish you carefully how the lotus was expressed and interpreted in Geometric Patterns.

Do you believe that Persian Art and Buddhist symbols were merged into beautiful Art in Shilla Dynasty.
It is miracle.
Now you are seeing the miracle of history.

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