The Portal of Donghaksa Buddhist Temple


It was about more than one and half mlie walking distance to get to the temple.
It was a long distance for my mom. She is 84 years old. But my mom was not tired, so we could enjoy walking to the temple.

The preparing and process for a travel must've been reminded more in our minds than the goal and the destination in many cases.
In this trip, we had enjoyed the road to the temple.

Thirty minutes after walking, there was a red wooden tree gate. Usually this kind of gate belongs to Confucian Shrine. It was some thing strange to me. But who cares ? Even in korea, people didn't know the meaning of the gates anymore.

Not long after the red gate, a temple portal came into my eyes.

My mom took a picture, and I took the photo of her.

The portal was painted with colorful colours and carved with various patterns and sculptures.

There are many paintings about dragons on the Portal.

Interesting in the paintings on dragons is it's a look expressed in it's face.
Their looks are very humorous and funny. The painter seemed to express dragon's friendly side.

I head the reason why they expressed dragons so funny. Let me explain next time.

You can notice a lot of carvings of peaches. These peaches are not ordinary ones what we can see in the market but what you can look at the paradise.

There was a stone water bawl. Horses were not permitted to get into further.
People walked to the temple with a horse tied.

It is as same as a parking lot of Past.

By the portal, the trees begin to change it's colour.

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