The Reason Why There Is a Steep Steps in Buddhist Temple.


You could find a steep steps In Korean Buddhist temple easily.
I complained about steep steps in Buddhist Temple.
It was because old aged people visited the Buddhist temple more than younger persons.
Buddhism in Korea is turning into the old people’s religion.

So it looked dangerous when I saw old people up and down a steep steps.


I took this photo in Soo Deok Sa temple.
People bent down their head to watch their steps.


One day I asked the reason why the steps in temple was steep.
A monk answered the reason why.


There was a special intention of making a steep steps.
It was forcing people to focus on walking the steps.

Concentrate what you are doing is one of the most important teaching of Buddha.

Before praying to Buddha, you need to concentrate your mind.
Concentration is seemed as if a process of purification of one’s soul.

Actually, concentration is not only the first entrance but also the last exit in Buddhism.
The most difficult thing in our life is concentration.
My mind is full of worry
I know my mind is always fluctuating from here to there
When I have a dinner, I worry about tomorrow’s work in office.
In the office, I think how to enjoy this weekend.
It means that I am not own my mind and myself completely.

If I were owner of my self, I could control my mind.
But in my life, I couldn’t ’ve controlled my mind as I wanted.

Do you control your self ?
Not ?
Then I recommend to walk to the steep steps.
But be cautions.

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