To Another side of Mt.Namsan, a Sentiment about Descending Mountain.

20170912 slowwalker

It was late afternoon when I walked down Mt.Namsan. Whenever walking down from a summit, it made me think the meaning of a life. Nobody can stay at the summit for long. It is a destiny of climber regardless of the height of the mountain. I loved mountain climbing in my young ages. Once climbing was a meaning of my life. I had climbed the rocks with my jail party. I could understand his situation only with the vibration of a jail. Whenever walking down, the memory of climbing came to me. Some of my acquaintances were disappeared in the Himalaya. I don’t know why this kinds of thinking or feeling occur to me at the time of descending mountain. It seemed that I left something behind.
I felt exactly same feeling at that time when I was descending from the summit.

As walking along the road, I could see the wall. The wall was well preserved.

Walking down to the downtown. I could took a interesting scene. It was a contrast between old and new. Contrast seems not proper word in this situation. I think Balance is better in this photo

You can enjoy this fantastic scene when you walk down at 4 - 5 am at fall. True beauty what we could enjoy is not eternal. It is transient. If we could see a true beauty at any time, our heart never beat.

I took a photo the other direction. I could see the Namsan Tower. The tone of a photo was little bit yellow due to the sunset. It was not sunset yet. But sun already lost its fierce light of day in summer. Sunshine was mild. It made me feel so good.

As closing to the downtown, the shadow became thicker.
Below is close shot.

I could find the trace of the wall here and there in downtown. Time had passed a lot, the wall was working until now. It’s function was different though.
It is difficult to notice there is the wall at first glance.
It looks like a ornament or decoration

So I took a photo at different direction

The wall was functioning as an embankment.

Finally I arrived at Nam Dae Moon which is the starting and ending point of this section of the wall.

Everything in the world is turning around from here to there.

Thank you for reading.

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