What I saw in market place in WonJoo city during my last business trip


I had had my last business trip for several days ago.
As I wrote before in some posing, it was my last business trip before my retirement.

Everything what I had seen in the business trip was very special, because it was a last trip in my job.
My fellow colleagues thoughtfully care for me during a trip.

Of course I will continue to travel after the retirement. Journey is not only my hobby but also my job.
With traveling, I could confirm what I knew is true or false.

And I could find something what I didn’t know.
More over traveling is a kind of meditation for me.

I had walked for long time in traveling.
Walking is very simple activity in human, but this simple behavior provide very special chance to look at my surrounding and to find new things that I could not notice before whether it was scenery or feeling.


In this travel to Wonjoo city, I found the scenery that I had forgotten for long time.
As entering into the market place in Wonjoo city, I could look at some of oldmen playing Korean Chess.


Old people were gathered around playing men and talking each other what was right and false.
This scene reminded me of when I was a child. When I was a child, my father and his friends were gathered by the street and playing Korean Chess from time to time.

The scene that I saw in Wonjoo market place brought me back to the past and made me of recalling my father passed away 3 years ago.

My last business trip was very special for me to think my childhood and my father.

I miss my father.

Will my son miss me when I were dead ?

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