It looks similar, but quiet different Main building in SSang Gye Sa
The name of main building is Dae Woong Jeon
The meaning of Dae Woong Jeon is the palace for Buddha. Literally speaking, Dae means Big or Great, Woong means Male or bear. So Das Woong means Big male, or Buddha.
The Dae Woong Jeon in this temple was amazing. Surrounded scenery was excellent. At first glance I acknowledged this building was super special.
The external appearance showed me this temple was extraordinary.
Let’s look at this building in detail.
At first I’d like show you the poles and the walls of this building.
The color of the poles and the walls was fading away. But fading away color gave me much more impressions on it’s historic aspect.
front wall
Let’ s look at the other walls and poles
This wall was side wall.
This pole is showing you what the history is.
This wall was backwall
There is no record when this temple had been built, but there is some record that this temple had been repaired in 1738 AD.
I don’t think any explanation, it is better to show you the Pics. The photos could explain the history and the specialty of this temple.
The corner stone and the pole are the history itself.
I wish you enjoy this journey of history.
I’d like to show you this temple more in detail.
I think it is worth of looking at evert corner of this building in detail.