The Xtrodinary Papa-Pepper experience Part 2 - Much More than Just Eating Steak

As you know, @papa-pepper helped me out of a bind which resulted in us eating wasp larvae. What do you do to get that gritty mud taste out of your mouth? Well you follow it up with the ultimate, American protein... Steak! I'll also have you know that these steaks were paid for with Steem. Think I'm lying, ask @papa-pepper yourself.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but this post isn't about steak, so let's get straight to the point right after I plug my other cooking posts.

I've shown you all of these things before so feel free to take a look back and try out my methods if you missed them. Naturally the steaks are not going to cook themselves so...

@xtdnrymompreneur putting in work

Seasoning to Pan.gif

Straight to the Point

When @xtdnrymompreneur and I first became a couple, one of the first things that we did was had a big crawfish boil and invited about 75 people to our little apt just because. We connected over food and friendship with others and that same principle has carried us forward into our relationship. When we first moved in together, we made sure that we had a dinner table, chairs, cutlery, and dinnerware before anything else. Every single night we all sit down at the table and have dinner as a family. Most of the time we all sit down as a family for breakfast and lunch as well. Sharing a meal is an intimate moment. It allows people to settle down and open up. When the food is also prepared by someone who is eating it with you, it becomes even more special. When you are passionate about something, the energy you put into it can be felt.

The Best Part

In the post Saying Grace is Not Allowed in Our House, my wife touches on how we were embarrassed a few years ago when everyone stopped to say grace at Thanksgiving dinner, but our kids were perplexed and utterly confused. We realized at that moment that we were doing something wrong. At the very least we could teach our kids to stop and reflect on the day and tell us what they are grateful for. Everyone that shares dinner with us is encouraged to participate. When we sat down with @papa-pepper, @mama-pepper, and the @little-peppers, they embraced our little tradition. Restless, all the kids went first and pinkie-pepper said that she was "thankful for #life" Now what 7 year old says that? @Papa-Pepper I tell you, you raising them kids right. @despool was thankful for meeting a celebrity lol. After we all gave thanks for our day, @Papa-Pepper led our families in blessing our meal. It was very synergistic. Being the arrogant person I am, I would love to take credit for how smooth everything went, but the truth is synergy requires more than 1. You can't make this stuff up...

The Xtrodinary Papa-Pepper Experience

List of other steemians that we've been fortunate enough to share meals with in our home.


we'd love to see your name on the list if you are reading this.

If you are considering signing up for streemian or steemvoter be sure to trail XTRODINARYPILOT as an author or curator.

There's Adventure in all of Us

I showed you how to pay rent with STEEM
I showed you how to turn STEEM into CASH
I took you on a day as Urkle
I took you to @ned scott's funeral (RIP)
I took you to #STEEMITGUNCLUB    



...mostly in Texas LOL Animation graciously donated to @xtrodinarypilot by @xtrodinarypilot  

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