Culturevulture: Slavic village of the 10th century

Hello, dear friends. In my previous post I promised to tell you about the open air Museum "Slavic village of 10 centuries". And today I finally visited this place and ready to show it to you.

This Museum is a historical reconstruction of everyday life of the Slavs of ancient times the 10th century. Here, reproduced in all the smallest details. Startingfrom residential houses, barns, cellars and ending with clothes and dishes. Now in the Museum there are four houses, a barn, a structure for drying grain, a forge, a bakery that mimic the structure of the X century. So, let's take a walk through the village.

Here is the entrance to the village. The village is surrounded by a fence of brushwood.

It is an apartment building. On it an earthen roof covered with grass and flowers. The house is built according to ancient techniques - no nails. It's pretty low. Has a small front door. And there is no window. In Russia, cold winter and all of this is designed to preserve heat in the room.

Internal decoration of the house is very modest. A large area in a stone-oven without a chimney. That is, all the smoke went into the house. Under the ceiling there is a small hole for ventilation. The rest of the space is a wooden bench, on which the Slavs were sleeping and sitting.

This structure has acted as a dressing room. It was used clothing and small household utensils of the residents of the community.

This shoes the ancient Slavs - lapti. They were made of birch bark. Usually in the family had one pair of lapti at all.

Cellar. This structure looks like a basement. Here were stored the food in the winter. It acted as a refrigerator.

A building for drying grain. This wooden structure was tied bundles of wheat. The wind and the sun dried the grain.

Forge. Here forged tools and edged weapons.

In the middle of the village fenced plot. This is a place for livestock.

I was asked to try on the attire of the Slavic women of the 10th century. This is a dress-shirt and birch bark necklace on the forehead. I like to wear this decoration. My daughter also tried on the outfit. My nephew got a sword and a fur hat. The children were very fun to feel like the heroes of a bygone era.

This is a wonderful Museum of the past. An excellent opportunity to learn about the past of my homeland. To get acquainted with the culture of the country, with ancient traditions and customs. I learned a lot of interesting information from this walk. I hope I managed something interesting to show you, friends.

All photos taken by me on the phone Huawei. See you soon, @ANNA-MI

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