Culturevulture: The Russian Supersoup - Borsch

Hi, friends! Today, as part of the contest #culturevulture, I will tell you about the traditional Russian lunch - is soup Borsch.

The roots of this dish goes to Ukraine. But it long ago began to prepare in Russia. Now this food is a traditional Russian dish.

In Russia every woman should know how to cook borsch. When a young man chooses a wife, according to tradition, he asked the bride to make borsch . And only after the groom will try the borsch of his bride, he decides whether she is suitable to become his wife . No wonder we in Russia have a saying that "the way to the heart of the groom goes through his stomach". Probably this expression was born from this tradition.

Soup does not have one strict recipe. Every Russian woman has a unique recipe. Every woman uses when cooking your little culinary secret. Some add beans, someone flour, sweet pepper, tomato paste. Borscht is a variety of options and a great scope for the imagination of the cook. I'll tell you today a recipe that I use. It is quite simple. This recipe is more traditional.

So, to prepare the soup you will need:
. a piece of pork
. 4 liters of water
. 2-3 potatoes
. 1 carrots
. 1 onions
. cabbage
. 1-2 beets
. 1 tomato
. greens
. salt
. vegetable oil
. pepper mixture.

Boil the meat, Bay salted water. While the meat is cooking, I prepare the vegetables. Onions and carrots cut into pieces, fry in a little vegetable oil. Beets grate on a grater, to extinguish in butter, cover with a lid. Roast the beets, I add a spoonful of vinegar and sugar - it helps to keep the rich color of the beet soup (it's my little secret ingredient when cooking Borsch).

When the meat is almost ready, added diced potatoes and shredded cabbage. Continue to cook meat with vegetables on a medium heat. When the soup comes to a boil - it's time to add roasted mixture of carrots and onions. Also finely chop the tomato without the skin, and spread in a soup. When potatoes in the soup and become soft, it's time to add stewed beet. Mix well, season with salt and add the mixture of peppers to taste. You can also add your favorite spices. Cook soup over low heat, stirring occasionally, for 30 minutes. five minutes until cooked add the chopped fresh herbs: dill, parsley, green onions.

The soup is ready! The Borsch is usually served with sour cream. Also it's served with black bread, thin slices of salty bacon and garlic. Bon appetit!

Russian borscht is a healthy and very satisfying dish. It is invigorating, gives strength to the man in the cold Russian winter. All the vegetables that I used in the making of this soup, grown in my garden. Especially delicious soup is obtained from the first young vegetables. But in the rest of the time borsch is a great lunch. This is the favorite soup of my family. In Russia, dinner with borsch is a symbol of prosperous and happy families.

With love from Russian village @Anna-Mi

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