Shaving and Naming Ceremonies

When I opened my @steemit account in my first post on introdyourself, I co-featured a small family photo, where I explained I was expecting the first baby. Alhamdulillah on June 8, 2017 our baby was born, female sex. Thanksgiving for the very much anticipated arrival of the guests.


Exactly seven days of birth to shave baby's hair, this is a recommendation in Islam, Aceh culture has absorbed the provisions.

Preparations for shaving processions, such as young coconut (in aceh language called U groeh), razor blades, hair oil and peusijuk equipment.

Before the hair shaving process is done, the baby firstly done the process of peusijuk, peusijuk in the sense of the word it cools, but in practice peusijuk is a collection of prayers of goodness, which aims to seek the pleasure of Allah through symbolization.

Materials for peusijuk water one bowl with and put gold in it, paddy, rice and various plants. First once the rice and rice are sown over the baby's body, then continued by splashing water using some plants that have been tied into one which usually consists of peusijuk leaves, sumbo grass, betel nut, and several other plant species. Each of these processions is a special prayer, and contains its philosophical meaning.

After the peusijuk is done, the baby's hair shaving is immediately carried out, beginning with the hair oil all over the head, shaving begins at the top and ends on the back of the head. Every hair that falls shaved into a young coconut, this is so that the baby's head feels cold. After all the hair is shaved, the baby's scalp smeared leaves that have been smoothed peppers, so that baby's hair can grow bushy. My daughter's hair shave spent two razor blades.

Giving a Name

Every parent must have prepared the best name for the children, every name has a good meaning and expectation of parents to their child. Giving a name to a child is also inaugurated on the seventh day. So also for my child.

Auful Kayla the name I chose for my daughter. The name inspired by the holy book of the Qur'an, precisely in Surah Al-An'am verse 152. The section of the verse talks about honesty, with hope in life in the world, the Qur'an becomes the handle of life and honesty coloring every footstep, so the Salvation The world and the hereafter can come true. This is a parent's prayer for the happiness of children.

Photos of Activities

Here are some photos when my daughter's hair shaving took place. Taken with OPPO R827.


Peusijuk material


Before shaving


Sowing rice, Peusijuk by her grandmother


Splashing water with plants


Sticking to gold, her heart pure gold


Grease hair oil



Shaving process


The head is shaved and smeared with chili leaves

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