Tambo as a traditional signaling


In the past, every society that prioritizes togetherness and solidarity must have a tool that can be sounded to give various signs such as bells, drums, trumpets and other such. Those sounds with certain provisions based on a collective agreement shall be understood as notifications of certain matters which are important to all members of the society.

In Aceh, this tool is known as Tambo, which, when it is sounded, will produce a sound that is almost like a drum sound. The palm tree trunk is perforated in the middle by moving the contents. Its width is about half a meter and its length is about two meters or two meters by half. Then, at its base is covered with cowhide that has been well drained and tied with a slab of copper or other plates, and rattan ropes, and at the end of it is left open. To raise the sound, Tambo must be beaten with a pair of sticks, each held by the man who beat Tambo with his right and left hands. The sounds that arise can vary in rhythm, depending on the shrewdness of the person who beat Tambo.

This tool, in the past, will mean a lot to all members of the Society. They can hear and know any notices wherever they are in a village, whether they are in the river, in the fields or in distant gardens.

The following pictures are one of the beautiful ancient Tambo, which is still well preserved in one of the ancient mosques in Tempat Tuan (Now: Tapaktuan) on the southern coast of Aceh. This Tambo was special because of its unique shape and has been given beautiful decorations in certain parts.




The tip of the Tambo, which is shaped like a bird's tail.

One part of Tambo that given a decoration.

A beautiful flora decoration

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