Ask Me Anything And Drag Me Into Conversation - Steemians I Need Your Quick HELP

Ask me anything

The time is ticking and I need your quick help!

See the ⇨ ⇨ ⇨ TIMER

Here it is what's all about

7 days ago I joined @merej99's Community Challenge "Putting my money where my mouth is."
(You may find my participation entry under her post, deep down among other comments.)

My Entry to @merej99's Community Challenge

Challenge Requirements

Basically, the challenge has only 3 main requirements that might seem as easy ones at first glance but in fact, they are not.

  1. Post minimum 7 posts (1 per day) until challenge ends
  2. Each post must have minimum 300 words
  3. Have minimum of 500 comments until the end of challenge

There were some other requirements but above is the crucial base. My main problem is those 500 comments which I heavily lacking. If I calculated that well I'm missing about 350 comments. I tried my best to accomplish that one too. But, not wanting to post some stupid comment or those spammy ones like "Nice," "Upvoted" or similar, I must say it wasn't easy to find 500 quality posts on which I would have something to say in reply.

Therefore, I came up with this idea.

Ask Me Anything And Drag Me Into Conversation!

If I calculated well my missing comments for described challenge I would need 40 volunteers to ask me 10 questions or 80 volunteers to ask me 5 questions. You may ask all your questions in one comment if you prefer and I will answer each one as a separate reply.

You might be asking yourself...

What's in it for me?

My current voting power is at the moment something around 88%. So, here it is what I can offer you in return:

  1. Every comment with question/s I would upvote with 10% of my voting power and I will continue to do that until first 50 comments is reached. As this would also be a voting experiment, after placing 50 upvotes I would check my voting power. If my calculation is right I would be at around 79% of voting power. If that turns out to be true, I would keep upvoting your comments with 10% of my voting power. If NOT, I will reduce my upvotes to 1%, to be able to upvote following possible 300 comments after which, in that case, my voting power would be drained to almost total zero.
  2. As well, every commentator would gain my Follow (no questions asked) and I promise I will keep following you for at least one month. If you continue to post quality and interesting posts after that 1st month you will stay on my following list. If not, I'm sorry, but I'll have to unfollow you. I hope it wouldn't happen.

The remaining time

As I'm not quite sure when exactly the challenge ends, is it at midnight 00:00 meaning the beginning of July 18, 2017 or at midnight 24:00 meaning the end of July 18, 2017, I would take the worse case scenario as valid. Meaning, that from now (at the time of publishing this) on, I have only 17 hours to go.

So, let's go!

I'm counting on you!


Edited the Timer, as I just found out that I have one more day to meet the goal!

Posted on Monday, July 17, 2017

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