Sotall Directory of Steemit Posts wants to buy 10 articles

Paying 1 SBD for 500+ words

The way is structured, as long as we can get people from Steemit to visit the site, we have traffic. But there are problems with that in terms of SEO.

1 -- We desperately need to bring new people into Steemit who fit into our homesteading/self sufficiency/survival topics. Doing so helps everyone to make more money and helps us get all the great information we are curating into the hands of the people who need it most. Free traffic from search engines can make that happen, but search engines don't care about our pages of links to Steemit. They want to see info the people who use their search engines will like.

2 -- Search engines want unique information and will actually decrease your ranking score for anything more than a quote or two of a few lines each. So we CANNOT post the same thing on that is posted on Steemit. It must be original content.

I simply do not have time to write multiple articles every day

Between curating for, working on my jewelry and everything else I do, it is often hard to get 1 post per day ready. So why not make this a win/win situation. I will buy the articles we need. You get paid for the work, plus you can include an Authors Box to take people to your Steemit posts. We end up with articles that will help us start ranking in the search engines, which will bring in more people and create one of those beautiful cycles that just keeps feeding on itself.

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First round of article

I want to first set up a section on why people should be thinking about the information we post. Think of your articles in terms of why you choose to homestead, learn survival skills, grow food, raise animals, prepare for the worse, etc., etc.

Think of keywords you would use if you were searching for the information you are writing and include those keywords in your article .


1 -- Articles must be a minimum of 500 words, well written, gives reasons why you do it and include at least one photo.
2 -- Please DO NOT KEY WORD SPAM. This means no more than one or two keywords should be used and no more than 3 or 4 times each in the article.
3 -- Work must be your own words. To protect the site, I will run each article through before approving.

How this works

1 -- Write an article following all the same rules about giving credits as you would on Steemit.
2 -- Send your email address to I will email you a sign up URL so you can set up your author account. NOTE: You MUST use your Steemit username as your username.
3 -- Write your article using the category WHY I PREPARE. Submit it when complete.
4 -- No articles will show until after they have been approved.

What if my article is not approved

There are two main reasons an article might not be approved.

1 -- I have already approved all I can afford to approve right now. Yours could be approved at a later date when I have more funds to work with.
2 -- Some other reason. This could vary greatly and most of the time can easily be fixed making the article acceptable. If this is the case, I will email you with what the problem is so you can fix it.

When will I get paid?

As soon as I have approved your article to go live, I will transfer 1 SBD to your Steemit account. This is why you MUST set up your username on as your steemit user name or I cannot find you to pay.

I still have other questions

Ask your question in the comments below and I will answer as soon as I see it.

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