Preppers' Curation Day- Weekly Edition 4


Image Source- Pixabay

Prepping Curation

There are many posts and curation pages displaying a wide array of topics, but yet have I discovered one solely dedicated to prepping, preppers and survival; and if there was one before I have not seen an update in months. So, in my endeavors to curate more topics under the main umbrella of homesteading, self-reliance, off-grid living and more, I will be doing a weekly post every Monday dedicated to preppers.

Topics I will be searching for include (but not restricted to):

  • Prepping
  • Survival
  • Self-reliance
  • Self-sustainability
  • Bushcrafting
  • Food prepping
  • Protection (of home, family and possessions)
  • DIY Health
  • 2nd Amendment concerns
  • Gear and supplies
  • Skills & DIY Instructions

Now keeping in mind these posts will be written by other steemians, considered good quality and not plagiarized.

When I find new posts in the above mentioned topics that meet criteria I desire the posts to have, I will post in upcoming Preppers Curation Day Weekly Editions and let the author know of the sharing and curation.

I will be looking through the Preppers Discord group and channels and taking recommendations from fellow preppers in the same group and community.

Curation Schedule & Days

See my full post here

First Shots With The New Ruger RPR .22- What's All The Hype About? @bluelightbandit

These guys are in really high demand in my area and for very good reasons I have found out. I just have picked this one up, threw a cheap closet scope on it and seen what all the hype was about. I actually didn't plan on finding one to be honest. None of the gun stores have any in stock and they all advise that it could be a month or so before they could get any in. I just happened to find this one on Armslist and I jumped on it

Why A Splash Of Bleach Helps When Treating Rain Water @armadillocreek

We've been getting some steady rain in the Ozarks, and the rain catchment has been full, Full, FULL! It's a really cool feeling being able to harvest your water from the sky for free. I like not having to depend on a utility company, and the savings has been great! I wanted to do a followup on the video i did on water treatment and how we keep it clean and sanitary here on the homestead.

5 Steps To Get You Better Prepared by @liquidtravel

When you begin your risk assessment, it should be at the highest level for each threat (i.e. tornado, house fire, car accident, flood, loss of job, loss of power, etc.), then need to break each down further. If you stopped with - "Loss of Power," you might only think you need extra candles and matches. But, if you really thought about what it might mean to go without power, more would come to mind. How might your and your family's life be affected by a loss of power? What if the power was out for 1 day, 2 days, 5 days, or even longer. Would the duration of the event change the way in which you prepared?

Check out the Preppers Online Edition here

Preppers Discord Server, which you can join by this invite link -


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