The Kitchen Table Edition 5: Saturday's Recipes, Cooking & Food Curation Day


Bagde By @facelessmyth

Saturday- Cooking & Recipes

Cooking and baking have always been a favorite past time of mine and I am always in the kitchen experimenting with new recipes, meal plans and different things.

So I want to not only share my love for cooking and baking with you all, but I want to share other steemians posting some delicious looking recipes. I have come across so many great members and their posts; which I must say, rarely get noticed. So every Saturday I will be dedicating an entire post to the chefs in all of us. From fabulous meals, delicious sounding recipes to satisfy every craving and even some how-to instructions for unusual recipes.

Over time as I settle into this new schedule, I may add one or two more (so every day of my week will have a curation post from me). Will keep you updated as it goes.

See this past week's curation posts below

Curation Schedule

See my full post here

Recipe & Food: ENTREE

The Most Ass Kicking Filipino Dish - Pork Adobo - Cooking Food Photography by @tacostate-link

This is what I would call a Desert Island Meal, a dish so good that I could not live without it. I’m eating much more vegetarian, but I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to quit this incredible Filipino classic... The dish I am talking about here is Pork Adobo. This is a classic recipe that I have not altered since I first had it as a child the way my Mom made it and the way her Dad taught her how to do it. Don't be fooled by how simple the plating is, this dish doesn't need any bells and whistles. If you have not had this, follow along…it’s easy and it will blow your mind...
When I make adobo, I go big and do up a big pot of it!

NOTE Posted just 1 day old this recipe has 7 views, 5 UPvotes and only 3 comments.

Recipe & Food: MEAL PLANNING

LOVE Blue Apron, Hello Fresh, and Plated (and why I'm canceling my subscriptions) by @steemitpatina

Hello Fresh vs. Blue Apron vs. Plated… who’s the winner? I LOVE them all… and I’m canceling my subscriptions. Here’s why... As a business owner whose sweetie is also a business owner, life sometimes gets a tad hairy. Meals sometimes get short shrift

NOTE Posted yesterday, this recipe has 4 views, 3 UPvotes and 0 comments.

Recipe & Food: SANDWICH

Steemit Sandwich Contest Week #35 ---G R E E N P O W E R P L A N T S A N D W I C H by @celestialcow

I'm a sandwich obsessive! And I have to say doing it vegan style is so much fun compared to my meat eating days...
there was a time when I thought I couldn't live without a bacon sarnie and to be very honest with you, I only stopped eating eggs this year, it was that runny gooey egg in a sandwich that kept me holding on. But in the end it wasn't that hard, I actually don't miss it all! I mean just take a look at the alternatives, this power house of vitamins and minerals all in one sandwich, my body, the animals and the planet love me for i

NOTE This post is two days old with 60 views, 42 UPvotes and 11 comments.



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