Lost in Translation 12: @kr-collegeclub and Steem-Powered Education

Lost in Translation is a series dedicated to emerging KR users and their themed production on Steemit. These posts are meant to help open up their audience and support their work. 100% of SBD generated in these posts will be distributed to featured authors.

Cover Image by @soyo

Organizing With Steemit

I've mentioned in a few previous posts that I think an underutilized direction for Steemit members is to create organizational and team accounts between a few members. This strategy allows more momentum growth, shared responsibilities, and overall dynamic method to bring important work to the forefront. This is especially pertinent for interest-based growth such as that surrounding education, charity work, and other impactful missions that are difficult to sustain as one person.

I recently learned about this one initiative and new account on Steemit that is both charming and impactful in its purpose.


@kr-collegeclub is a group of college students and friends who host multilingual (chinese, english, japanese, korean) and consistent discussion content on significant issues that affect Korea and even the general Steemit community. @zoethehedgehog and @septemberbre2ze are leaders of the account and are joined by several other university students including @highyoonzi, @devi1714, @williampark, @katechoi, @winnie98, @iamtennis, @hf8149, @leez, and @soul1590.

The group maintains a regular schedule of content so depending on your language of comfort, you can join in on the specific day. You can read their timeline here. This includes a part of the week where they spotlight members' posts as well.

I cannot emphasize enough how great I think this initiative is. Korea overall is a fairly insular society. This means that making substantive relationships beyond who are in your classroom or workplace is fairly rare and it is also difficult to have more difficult questions circulate amongst small social groups. These discussion pierce through both issues, spanning several distinct universities and putting forward heavy discussions in a productive and approachable.

I encourage anyone who wants to participate in meaningful discussions, particularly those that are not so openly talked about in daily life. For example, the latest round was concerning the legalization of abortion in Korea.

For more ideas on the impact of decentralized tech and Steemit on educational initiatives, check out our post @sndbox Developing a Proof of Concept for Education on Steemit.

Read more of previous Lost in Translation activities here.

오랜만에 Lost In Translation 내용을 썼습니다. KR College Club의 글과 콘텐츠 토론 방식을 보면서 매우 크레이티브 하여 놀랐습니다. 다른 학교의 다양한 전공 대학생들이 모여 스팀 플랫폼에서 토론을 하는것. 그리고 그 토론 주제가 일상에서는 이야기하기 어려울 수 있는 내용, 하지만 우리 사회에 꼭 필요한, 대학생들이 한번쯤 꼭 생각해보아야할 내용입니다. 스팀을 정말 실용적이고 창의적이게 사용하는 대학생들을 서포트 하기 위해 KR College Club 알리는 글을 썼습니다. KR College Club의 토론을 지지합니다.

이 글의 SBD는 @kr-collegeclub후원으로 사용하겠습니다!

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