Upvotable #6: The First Steemit Posts I Read!

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Which Steemit posts would be most helpful for us to read? Would you share the best posts for us all to read here please because for every post that is accepted from another author, I am paying via @aarellanes 10 SBD as the reward for helping me find the post and share it with all of us on the next day? My hope is to collaborate with you each day in making a list of the posts I need to read the most from Steemit thereby helping promote their authors and share the information I am reading with you!

The posts listed below are the winners from yesterday's Upvotable #5 as seen at @jerrybanfield/upvotable-day-5-7-new-posts-i-voted-up with the rules for submission being updated today as seen below!

Each post listed above I upvoted 100% with close to full voting power and will be reading them first tonight when I sit down on the couch before bed. Would you share the link to the post you think I should read as it matches with the suggestions below because this is how we choose which posts to include here?

  1. If you would like me to read a post on Steemit and feature it on tomorrow's post like those above, would you please share a link to it below because this is how the posts from yesterday were chosen?
  2. Posts authored within seven days that are an amazing read with smaller amounts of rewards are preferred because we hope to help promote undervalued authors creating very helpful posts but not receiving many rewards. You are now welcome to submit posts as old as you want for consideration and even posts with high existing rewards if you think it is important we read them!
  3. If you submit a post written by someone else, you will receive a 10 SBD payment from @aarellanes on my behalf (I send him larger payments for many finder fees). You are welcome to submit your own posts but will not receive a finder's fee! If you submit a post that was already approved by @curie and upvoted, these will not receive finder's fees either because we want to maximize the unique posts featured among curation projects. So far we have paid out in the first week of this about 200 SBD in finder's fees.
  4. @aarellanes will read through the comment on this post and create the list of the winning posts each day which I then read and upvote because I am limited in the time I have to just browse. If you would like me to read your post, this is the best option because other than this I generally only read posts when I am Googling for help fixing a problem and researching a new topic.
  5. Each day I will make a new upvotable post with the winning posts which I hope will make a good reading list if you are interested in seeing the hidden treasures on Steemit!

Thank you for collaborating with me to help me know which posts are important for me to read and giving me the chance to share what you created with everyone following me! Would you please upvote this post if you want me to keep doing these because the rewards go towards the SBD finder fees?

Jerry Banfield

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