You Got Snekked on Discord!

Good day fellow Steemians all over the world!

Today, I would like to take a moment to thank everyone who supported You Got Snekked! It means a lot when you start a project, no matter how small and you feel that others like what you are doing!

The have the feeling that you are really doing something good is marvelous and it makes me happy to see that we are growing so fast on Discord! In three days we already got 27 members ( Including myself) and that made me really happy!


As the picture shows, this project was meant to be stopping at the end of Jan 2018. But because of all the marvelous and amazing feedback I decided to make it a ongoing project! I am really feeling blessed to have so much support from the platform and I will make sure to give this project my all.

Come and join us on Discord if you want to learn more about this project! We welcome everybody! The most important reason to join us is to make friends and to chat! There is a way to post your links but you will have to provide them with a short text telling us why we should have a look at your post! This rule means a lot for us because we don't want to become a place to just dump your links and slither off.

Making connections and friends is what matter in our opinion! There for, if you are not providing some text your post will be deleted and not taking into concideration for an upvote or to be Snekked. We want our members to be active, to be involved and most of all, we want to see them make an effort!

Together we can build something amazing!

Come and join us now!


Let's grow together

Best wishes


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