The SFT Curates 8/5/2017

The SFT is back with three wonderful stories—one heart-rending paranormal love story, a literary piece sure to leave you smiling, and a grim look at a possible dystopian near-future. We hope you enjoy!


We chose these selections because they are tightly written, well-edited, and show creative innovation. They’re not the same stories we’ve read hundreds of times, changed “just enough” to avoid being carbon copies of something else. All three of these authors were open to extensive editorial suggestion and made their early drafts available to the Fiction Workshop at MSP. This is not a requirement for curation by the Steemhouse Fiction Trail, but the Workshop may be a good resource for people interested in being picked by our team. Remember, we are only interested in curating polished, marketable work. A story may show promise, but if it is poorly edited, it will not qualify for our project. The blockchain is permanent. Once a post is locked down after seven days, any editing gaffes and lazy writing is there for the world to see—forever. And that’s not what we want, nor should it be what writers want.

These three curated stories will appear today in the SFT Library at


CURATION: 8/5/17

Our selections this week are listed alphabetically by username: “A Slice of Dystopia” by new Steemit witness @anarcho-andrei, “Best Served Cold” by @Cristof, and “Tanabata” by @nexusfyre.

Tom had friends once. A normal life, with a job and rent that was always due. Those days are gone. And now, possibly, so is he.

A pineapple a day is just what a kid needs to keep the schoolyard bullies away. Until the teacher steps in—

He could wait a thousand years for her, but if Dee is destined to forget him, it may all be in vain. The years have become a burden, but this time it's different. His next decision could end it all.

This curation trail is a project made possible by @aggroed 's PALnet @minnowsupport channel, conceptualized by @andrewgenaille, @rhondak, @mk40, and @swelker101. Logo created by @pegasusphysics. If you would be interested in lending your support through delegation, please contact @mk40 or @swelker101 .

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