Apr. 11 -- Steemit Ramble #92 -- Don't You Hate Missing Good Posts?

Most mornings I wake to find my oldest cat curled up on the pillow beside my head using my shoulder as her pillow. This morning I woke to find her sitting on the pillow, paw resting on my cheek and her claws nudging my cheek firmly. Since I could see daylight outside the window, I had apparently slept longer than she was willing to be patient with.

Seems there is a reason they call a female cat the queen.

Onward to today’s rambling

The 2017 Steem Growth Plan

@zurvanic has released through the @steemitblog account more of the marketing plan for Steemit. It looks like communities are coming sooner rather than later. They wont necessarily be fully formed but they will be a start. Improving the onboading experience for new users is also a priority. Right now, there is several steps to go through to become a new member and many get frustrated and abandon the attempt. The marketing team also wants to work with members of the community to support development of apps as part of the STEEM network. Actually, there is a lot in the post, have a look through it and maybe bookmark it for future reference.

I’ve already seen some negativity about the post. I personally feel that taking steps, no matter how small, is important and am looking forward to see what develops and how soon.

Baker's Secrets - The Poolish Starter

@meesterboom provides instructions on how to get a bread starter going. When I was more inclined to eat bread, I loved creating a starter and baking my bread from it. It produces incredibly tasty bread and well worth the effort.

Lessons from my first garden

I grew up with a large garden being grown every year. I can’t remember how many times I cursed being sent out to weed it. Growing up in a large family, those extra vegetables made a difference on our food bills.

I never acquired the love of gardening my mother had, even flower gardens are more than I want to do. I do certainly appreciate the work and effort that goes into a vegetable garden.

Some of the preserves that you can make from the garden are so much tastier than what you can buy in the store. A friend recently gave me a bottle of rhubarb chutney she had made from some excess rhubarb and red onions. It was so delicious.

@redhens shares some of the joys and pitfalls of having your own garden. I could relate to so much that she wrote about.

How to Know Your Cat Is Fully Charged

Yes, I know, I’m a sucker for cats. BUT, how could I resist @mustaqimway’s demonstration of how to know when your cat is fully charged?

Is it fair to be ripped off an airplane after it was overbooked?

I have never flown. Not being inclined to travel, I’ve never had cause to. The more I see of reports about airports and airlines, the less inclined I am to even want to. @jrcornel writes about a passenger forcibly removed from a United Airlines flight to accommodate their overbooking and reportedly, to make room for their employees to get to their destination on time.

Head Spin - A (Lego) Comic

@mynameisbrian is at it again with his comics. Your head will not spin in order to appreciate the comic.

GOUT Causes and Remedies

I was told on Friday that my neighbour had to be taken into the hospital because he had a bout of gout. So, this post by @ianstrat definitely got my attention. I always thought gout was largely to do with drinking too much. Guess it isn’t, although alcohol can be a contributing factor.

Why Is Steem all ready functioning as a currency (I Am Amanda)

I am Amanda Johnson (So are you)

@whatsup writes two posts about the positive marketing story right in front of our noses. We are a platform that is up and running, warts and all, while others are talking about what they are going to do. Sometimes, we fail to appreciate what we have while we’re busy on what could be.

Unsung Brilliance

Necessity is the mother of invention. Sometimes making do with what you have can lead to some very creative solutions to problems. @qezzit the often overlooked and under-appreciated creativity of the average redneck.

The Hidden (His)Story of "Paradise", My Most Favorite Painting

@jankasparec shares the history of his favourite painting “Paradise”. Some beautiful photos and makes you want to see the real life version of it.

Wrap-up on Day #92

It has been another busy day today so I’m really pleased I was able to finish and upload this post today rather than finishing it off in the morning. It makes me feel more like the decks are cleared ready for tomorrow.

These last sentences are being written with one arm stretched across my tabby (youngest cat) as he lays purring across my lap. Guess he’s feeling happy at the end of the day too.

Still Pending Posts

I hope you enjoyed reading my post. Below are the posts still pending payout as of the time of the writing. I invite you to visit the posts and upvote them if you like them:

Steemit Ramble #90 — payout Apr. 13
Defining a Nation - The Battle of Vimy Ridge — payout Apr. 15
Steemit Ramble #91 — payout Apr. 18th

Supporting and Upvoting

Let’s not forget folks. I’m sharing these posts not only because I like them. I’d really like to see them get support and upvoting.

Please Join the Curation Trail

If you’d like to support the posts I find and upvote while searching for the Ramble shares, please join my Curation Trail on Streemian

Until Tomorrow — Just Steem on

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