Application for mentorship to become a @curie curator


Curie is a curation projects that helps and supports great posts. Posts discovered by curie curators receive generous upvotes so that new authors who are continuously creating great content without much success get some exposure.

In the past curie was open for public submissions, however recently rules have changed and only way for new curators to join is by the recommendation of top curators and approval of reviewers.

I have joined the ranks of top curators for this week, and there is no guarantee I will stay as a top curator.

Many people were asking how to get a recommendation to become a curator. For that reason I decided to create this application post. Purpose of this application is not to recruit new curators, rather provide a process for those who already know about curie and have been asking to become a curator.

Since this process has not been done yet, I reserve the right to stop this process anytime, and I am not making any promises. Also, please consider this ONLY if you are going to be respectful of my decisions when I say "No". It is most likely most of the applicants will be rejected, since I intend to recommend one or two curators.

Here are the rules:

  1. Applicant must have reputation of 44 or higher.
  2. Applicant must have been on Steemit for at least a month.
  3. Applicant must be an active member who engages with community. I will decide that based on the history of the blog.
  4. Applicant must read and get familiar with curie guides and rules. Please check @curie blog posts and #curie channel pinned messages and FAQ. Also read this guide by @liberosist here.

How is the process going to work:

Step 1 : Make sure you complete rules section and you qualify

Step 2: Leave a comment explaining why you would like to be a curator and what makes you the best candidate. Find a great post that fits the rules and guidelines, upvote it, resteem it, and leave a link to it along with your comment.

Step 3: I will reply in the comment if you are accepted for interview, then you can contact me on directly. I will also reply to those who are rejected in comments. Those who are rejected can reapply next time if this program continues.

Step 4: I will ask those who accepted for interview few questions, and based on that select ones for mentorship.

Step 5: Those selected for mentorship will need to curate and find 4 great posts and message me directly. This will have to happen gradually, not at once. If I find the posts acceptable I will submit those posts to curie. If I reject one post, candidate will get one more chance to submit me another post. If I reject more than one candidate will be rejected. If curie rejects a single post, candidate will be disqualified. During the process of post discoveries we will be discussing posts and curation methods in chat, so I can share my knowledge and skills.

Step 6: Once all 4 posts were successful and mentorship is completed successfully, I will recommend the prospective curator.

Step 7: Ultimately reviewers will need to approve the recommendation. If they approve, candidate becomes a curator.

These rules and process might change or be completely removed. Since this is a new process, I am not sure how it will work out. I can stop this process at any time. Please be respectful of my decision.

In the event this experiment is successful and I continue maintaining top curator position, I might continue this in the future and those who received rejection can reapply.

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