CURIOUS FACTS CONTEST #4 - Everything you didn't know about ice cream

Who among us doesn't love ice cream?
It's still winter, but even when it's cold I could never say no to an ice cream... Never. I am a monster when it comes to eating it, which is clearly portraited in this photo taken during the summer. Poor little thing, it didn't know what was coming :)


DID YOU KNOW that it takes 50 licks to finish one average ice cream scoop? I've heard and read this fact over and over again, but didn't manage to get the information about the person who was actually conducting that experiment looking at someone licking an ice cream and counting. So, if you do find that information, please let me know, I would like to reach out to that person, just to say that he has an interesting job :)

I KNOW YOU DIDN'T KNOW who was the first person in history to have eaten an ice cream, well... Sort of an ice cream. It was the Roman emperor Neron who was mixing snow and ice with fruit and honey. If you look into the history of ice cream you will find out that with Neron there was also Marco Polo who got it from the Chinese who added milk and rice to snow.

YOU DON'T REALLY NEED TO KNOW what was in the first handwritten ice cream recipe, but I will tell you anyway. If I was grossed out, you should be too :) Whale vomit and mace. Yes, you've read that correctly. Anne Fanshawe wrote it in 1668. She was a noblewoman from England... Did you notice that all strange things somehow start with "there once was a noblewoman" or "there once was nobleman" :)

YOU SHOULD KNOW that there is an ice cream fruit, Inga feuillei also called ice cream bean. It is native to Andean valleys of northwestern South America and has an edible white pulp that tastes like vanilla ice cream.

Inga feuillei - image source

So there you go, those were some curious facts about ice cream. You can look them up and even find more if you follow this LINK1, this one LINK2, or if you just google it. Google is a woman, she knows everything :)


This post is my entry for curious facts contest. The contest is held by @river-island and the point is to build a stronger community connections by presenting some valuable information to each other. If you have some interesting facts to share, visit curious-facts-contest-4 and share your information, and even if you don't want to participate in sharing, visit it anyway and learn some interesting stuff :)

I almost forgot the most important fact of all... My favorite flavor is hazelnut :)


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